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Gustav Robert Nystrom (1885-1936)


Posted By: Dorian Myhre (email)
Date: 10/3/2013 at 18:43:16

From Ames Milepost May 1936


G. A. Nystrom, 60, was found dead at the barn at his home at Nevada Sunday night* about 10:30. Death was probably due to a heart attack.

The earlier reports of possible suicide were dispelled by the examination of the man and of the circumstances surrounding his death, which gave no indication of anything other than natural cause of death.

Mr. Nystrom who had not been a robust health for some time, had eaten but little at the evening meal and about dusk, had left the house presumably to go to the barn on the rear of the lot where he kept a herd of milk goats.

The wife and children thinking he had probably gone for a walk, retired early, but when Mrs. Nystrom awoke about 10:30 and saw that he had not returned she became alarmed and calling her daughter, started a search. Noticing the barn door open they went there and getting no response to their calls, mounted the steps to the hay loft, where they found the husband and father lying prone upon the straw face downward and his hat some distance away.

Mr. Nystrom, who was born at Red Wing, Minn., October 21, 1885, had been a resident of Nevada for a number o years going there first as secretary of the Iowa conference, Seventhday Adventists. More recently he has been employed as bookkeeper at the office of the Cook Super Service on Lincoln avenue.

He leaves his wife, a daughter Virginia, and a son Bobby.

*SUBMITTER'S NOTE: Gustav Robert Nystrom died on 7 May 1936. He was married to Grace L. Hunt.


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