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Christopher Omvig (1845-1930)


Posted By: Dorian Myhre (email)
Date: 6/25/2024 at 12:25:52

From Story City Herald April 3, 1930 (page 2)


Passed Away Last Thursday Evening Within Two Weeks of His Wife

Chris Omvig, 84, pioneer resident of Story City, died here last Thursday, and one of his wishes was fulfilled. His wife died on March 12th and Mr. Omvig did not want to survive her. Both died of pneumonia after a lifetime spent in the Story City community where they raised one daughter and seven sons.

Mr. Omvig took sick with bronchitis a week ago Tuesday and gradually grew worse until pneumonia developed which ended in his death Thursday evening.

Funeral service was held Monday at Immanuel church, following brief services at the home. Rev. Heimarck was in charge. Burial was made in the Story City cemetery beside his wife.

Mr. Omvig was the last of his family, as all his brothers and sisters had preceded him in death. Mrs. Omvig was also the last in her family.


Chris Omvig was born in Kvinherre, Norway, April 12, 1845. He came to Lisbon, Ill., in 1861 where he lived a few years, then moved to Clinton county, Iowa.

He was married to Ingeborg Ludvigson Dec. 31, 1866. They moved to a farm six miles northwest of Story City in 1870, where they made their home until 1907, when they moved to Story City. He resided here until his death March 27, 1930, at the age of 84 years, 11 months and 15 days.

He is survived by the following children: Tom and Ole of Mylo, N. D., Christ of Spirit Lake, Hans of Des Moines, Jens, Albert and Lars of Story City, all of whom were at his bedside at the last. A daughter Mrs. John Soren, died three years ago.

Card of Thanks

We wish herewith to sincerely thank our many relatives, neighbors and friends for the many acts of kindness and sympathy shown us during the illness, death and burial of our beloved father. Also for the beautiful floral offerings.
Omvig Children.


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