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Gjertru (Flattre) Hoversten (1855-1925)


Posted By: Dorian Myhre (email)
Date: 4/1/2024 at 14:30:48

From Story City Herald June 11, 1925 (page 3)

Obituary of Mrs. Hoversten

Gjertru Flattre was born at Vossebang, Norway, Nov. 30, 1855. There she spent her childhood days. When but 9 years of age she, with her parents, bid farewell to the rugged cliffs and smiling fjords of Norway to make their home in the "land of the free and the home of the brave." They located first near Roland; after a short stay there they moved to within two miles of their present home.

She was raised in a Christian home and was given the Christian training that these early pioneer days could afford. When preparing for confirmation she walked to Story City, receiving instruction from Pastor Amlund of that place.

In the spring of 1880 she entered into holy wedlock with Thos. J. Hoversten [should be Thor J. Hoversten.] This happy union was blessed with eight children: Anna, Albert, George of Thompson, Jacob, Ben, Theodore and Gertrude of this vicinity. Henry, aged 19, preceded her in death.

She was a member of the Lutheran church all her life, and has held membership in St. Paul's Lutheran church since its earliest days. Accordingly she was numbered among those whose untiring efforts, interest, sacrifices, have played such a large part in establishing and maintaining the kingdom of God in these parts, the very memory of which is challenging us to a deeper devotion to the Lord's cause.

For a number of years Mrs. Hoversten has been in poor health. At times her suffering has been intensely acute. This condition has prevailed for the most part since the early departure of her beloved son, Henry. During the past year or so she seemed markedly improved. Two weeks before her death her condition again grew worse and she was put under a doctor's care, making her home meanwhile with her son-in-law, Arthur Bockwoldt. Monday morning, June 1, she suffered a hemorrhage of the brain. It seemed apparent that the end was near.

Her husband and all her living children hastened to her bedside, where they watched and prayed until the faithful heart ceased to beat. She passed away at the home of her daughter, Gertrude, near Stanhope, at 2 p.m., June 2, 1925, being 70 years, 4 months and 2 days old.


Story Obituaries maintained by Mark Christian.
WebBBS 4.33 Genealogy Modification Package by WebJourneymen

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