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Oscar/Osker H. Larson (1872-1917)


Posted By: Dorian Myhre (email)
Date: 4/15/2023 at 18:48:12

From The Slater News November 22, 1917 (page 4)


Was Born In Norway but Lived the Major Part of His Life in This Country.

Oscar H. Larson was born at Etna, Norway, July 21, 1872, and died November 13, 1917, having attained the age of 45 year, 3 months and 23 days. Funeral took place at the Palestine church, Thursday, November 15th, 1917, burial being made in the Palestine cemetery.

At the age of three years, Oscar accompanied his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hadle Larson, to America. They took up their residence in Story county, Iowa, northeast of Huxley, where Oscar was reared and grew to manhood. On December 17th, 1902 he was united in marriage to Miss Inger Loe of that vicinity. She survives him as does his aged mother, Mrs. Anfin Richardson, two sisters, Mrs. Sarah Osvold of Des Moines and Mrs. Reinert Holland of east of Kelley. Mourning his death are also two brother, Hans of near Huxley and Lars of Des Moines. He also left a large number of other relatives and a host of warm friends.

Deceased was a highly respected citizen of the community. He was of a quiet disposition and reserved in habits, preferring the quiet, busy life to that of ease and renown. He was affiliated with every good cause and could always be counted on the side of justice and right. He was early taught the principles of right life and living and he found great pleasure in doing church work or advancing its cause and as such was one of staunch member of the Palestine congregation where he had worshipped from the time he was small boy and was held in the highest regards. The floral tributes at his funeral were many, and spoke, in a measure at least, of the high esteem in which he was held.


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