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Rachel (Smith) Houston (1888-1935)


Posted By: Dorian Myhre (email)
Date: 4/1/2021 at 20:48:38

From Nevada Evening Journal January 15, 1935 (page 3)

Final Rites Held Monday Afternoon Mrs. Bush Houston

Funeral services for Mrs. Bush Houston, beloved Nevada woman, who passed away at Iowa sanitarium Friday evening, were held Monday afternoon at the Nevada Methodist Episcopal church.

The large auditorium of the church, including the balcony, was filled to capacity with mourning relatives and friends of the deceased anxious to pay a final tribute of respect to one whom they had known and admired as well as express their sympathy to the mourning husband, daughter and little son.

The front of the church, surrounding the casket, was literally banked with flowers, testifying in their mute, yet beautiful way, the esteem in which Mrs. Houston had been held.

Many were here from a distance for the funeral among the a large number of professional friends of Dr. Houston.

The service was in charge of her pastor, Rev. Loose of the Methodist church, while Mrs. J. C. Hathaway was at the organ accompanying Mrs. Ansel Ferrland of Nevada and Mrs. Warren Pollard of Montezuma each of whom entered beautiful songs.

The following brief sketch of her life was read by the pastor, preceding the sermon:

Rachel Smith, youngest daughter of James N. and Matilda Smith, was born near Montezuma, Iowa on May 26, 1888. Her girlhood was spent in and near Montezuma. She attended the public schools of that community and was graduated from Montezuma high school. After completing high school, she taught for two years.

She then entered the Cumnock School of Expression of Northwestern University and completed the prescribed work of that school, and later was a teacher of dramatics for a period of two years in the high school at Colfax in the state of Washington.

In August, 1912, she married Dr. Bush Houston and for a time made their home in the city of Montezuma. Later they removed to this city where Dr. Houston had been engaged in his practice of medicine and surgery.

Three children were born to this union Florabel, who is now a college student at Grinnell, Iowa; Virginia, who passed away on May 5, 1930; and Larry Edward, the son, who is about four years old.

Besides her own immediate family, there survive her father, James N. Smith, and her one living sister, Mrs. Sadie Duffus, both of Northwood, Iowa.

Mrs. Houston was an active member of the Methodist Episcopal church of Nevada; of the Order of the Eastern Star; and of the Womens' Auxiliary to the American Legion. She was prominent in the work of the Order of the Eastern Star, and in one of the recent years was Worthy Matron of Nevada chapter.

Mrs. Houston was a woman of rare attainments and force of character. She was particularly interested in children and young people and their activities. She gave unsparingly of her time and energy for them. Her home was a center of activity for the many high school and other associates of her children, and many a boy and girl in Nevada will look back with lasting and tender memories of times spent at the Dr. Houston home.

Among the women of the city she was a recognized leader, always interested in all matters for the welfare of the community. Regardless of the many duties both of her household and outside her home, she was always ready with most winning smile and genial welcome, and her numerous friends and associates will ever remember her beautiful personality her winning ways her many acts of kindness and generosity.

For several years Mrs. Houston had known that the journeys end was not far away but she bore her illness with a fortitude and courage beyond understanding. She met her friends and neighbors with the same old gentle smile and thus she continued to the end. And she passed away with the smile of Heaven on her face.

Among the relatives here from a distance were the father James Smith of Northwood, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Duffus of Northwood, Harlan Smith of Northwood, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dahl of Cedar Falls, Herman Smith of Iowa City and Alexander Duffus of Leon.

Friends here included Dr. C. F. Howland of Des Moines, M. J. Golden of Des Moines, Mrs. Rowena Johnson of Boone, Dr. J. H. Butts and wife, Mrs. L. C. Hemsworth and Mrs. Irene Williams of Waterloo, Mrs. Olive Sparks and son of Delmar; Mr. and Mrs. Warren Pollard, Mrs. A. E. Pollard and Walter Pollard of Montezuma, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Zirbel, Mrs. Mary Hutchinson, S. H. Hutchinson and Elmer Hicks of Montezuma, and Drs. Whitaker and Whitehill, representing the Boone County Medical Society.


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