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James K. Hilton (1844-1902)


Posted By: Gail and Dennis Bell
Date: 6/11/2005 at 12:37:57

THE MAXWELL TRIBUNE, Maxwell, Iowa, Thursday, May 22, 1902, page 4. "OBITUARY - Jas. K. Hilton was born in Belmont county, Ohio, November 8, 1844, and died in Maxwell, Iowa, May 20, 1902, aged fifty-seven years, six months and twelve days. He came with his parents to Wapello county, Iowa, in 1852, where he resided until he enlisted in C. E. 17th Regiment Iowa Infantry Volunteers in 1862 and remained in the service until the close of the war. He participated in many important battles among which were Corinth, Iuka, Miss., Raymond, Jackson, Champion Hill, Chattanoogo, Look Out Mountain, Missionary Ridge and Shanty, Georgia. At Tilton, Georgia, he was taken prisoner October 13, 1864, and was confined in minor prisons until December 24rh when he was taken to Andersonville, where he was kept until March, 1865. He received an honorable discharge May 26, 1865, at the close of the war. Mr. Hilton was married to Clarissa J. Birch in Polk county, Iowa, January 2, 1868, to this union was born four children; John M., of Colorado, Alva, deceased, William W., and Chas. E. He had four brothers and three sister, only one of whom remains, Jesse K., of Agency City, Iowa. He has lived in Story and Polk counties ever since the war, the last fourteen years having been in Maxwell. Deceased has been totally blind for eleven years. Mr. Hilton has always been an ideal citizen and was very patriotic as his gallant war record will show. Though he has been afflicted for many years yet he has always been patient, he is a man who was loved by all who knew him and many are the deeds of kindness that he has performed for his fellowmen. The bereaved family have the sympathy of all in this their sad affliction."

THE MAXWELL TRIBUNE, Maxwell, Iowa, Thursday, May 29, 1902, page 1. "HILTON" The funeral of Jas. K. Hilton, whose obituary we gave last week, was preached by Rev. O. F. Shaw at the M. E. church Friday and was a very able effort. The G. A. R. and W. R. C. were present in a body and took charge at the grave, at which place their beautiful ceremony was gone through with. One thing that was omitted last week was the fact that Mrs. Hilton had formerly been married to George Hilton, a brother to James, to which union was born a son, Thos. Hilton, of Cambridge, who with his family was present at the funeral, also Jesse Hilton, of Agency City, Ia., a brother of the deceased was present. John Hilton, of Colorado, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Hilton was here also. In addition to what was given last week it might be said that though Mr. Hilton had been totally blind for eleven years, yet he was always cheerful and was continually interested in the welfare of others, forgetting his own afflictions in his desire to be of some benefit to his friends. He was a kind husband and a loving father and his deeds of love will ever live though his body sleeps peacefully beneath the sod."

THE MAXWELL TRIBUNE, Maxwell, Iowa, Thursday, May 29, 1902, page 4, column _. "Jesse Hilton of Agency Iowa, who was caller by the death of his brother, James, returned to his home Monday."

BURIAL: Iowa Historical Library, Des Moines, Iowa. STORY COUNTY, IOWA GRAVE MARKER INSCRIPTIONS Geneal. * F 627. S8 V. 1-6, pages 1-368, V. 7-11 pages 369-792, V. II pages 793-1128; Indian Creek Township, Inc. City of Maxwell, Maxwell Municipal Cemetery, page 458. SEC. - 1, ROW - 9, LOT - 11, MOTHER (HILTON); LOT - 12, James K. HILTON Nov 8 1844 - May 20 1902; Clarissa J. HILTON Dec 27 1835 - July 12 1919; LOT - 13 FATHER (HILTON) (GAR)


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