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Frederic Dieffenbacker (1807-1866)


Posted By: Dorian Myhre (email)
Date: 9/2/2018 at 22:29:18

From Story County Aegis September 21, 1866 (page 3)


DIED, on Monday, Sept. 10th, 1866, at his residence, to and a half miles northwest of Nevada, Story Co, Iowa, Mr. FREDERICK DIEFFENBACKER.

The deceased was born Oct. 16th, 1807, and hence was nearly 59 years of age. Mr. Dieffenbacker was a native of the State of Pennsylvania, where he spent the greater part of his life.--His first removal west, was to Illinois, where he remained some years before coming to this State. Inheriting a good constitution, steady in his habits and diligent in business, he was always found at work, in which he was generally successful. The farm he opened up amid the wildness of the prairie, an made so home-like in so short a time is proof both to his industry and success. He was just prepared, as he thought, to retire from active labor, and spend the evening of life, amid the shade of a home, which his own labor and toil had provided.--But Divine Providence had other, and we trust better things in store for him. After an illness of three weeks he was called away, and died in the almost full exercise of his reason, calmly, and patiently awaiting the will of his Master, to which he seemed wholly resigned. Among his last words were those of continued faith in the Saviour whom he had long preferred.

Religion with him had been of years. In youth he was catechised and trained in the German Reformed Church, and at the age of 26, united with the Presbyterian church, in the communion of which his remaining years were spent, and in the faith of which, he died.

He was one of the eleven original members of the Central Presbyterian church in this place. He leaves a wide circle of friends to mourn his loss, and his is the first vacant chair in a large family all of whom are grown up. His funeral services were on Tuesday, and attended by a large number of friends and neighbors. The services were held in the room where the congregation of which he was a member, usually worship. And the sermon by his pastor Rev. I. Reid, was from 1st Corinthians 15-26. His remains lie in the cemetery, on a family lot purchased but a few months before his death.

"He is not dead but gone before."
Nevada, Sept. 19, 1866.


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