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William Grenbury Mullen (1821-1906)


Posted By: Dorian Myhre (email)
Date: 4/4/2017 at 20:34:58

From Nevada Representative June 6, 1906

Death of Wm. G. Mullen

The death is reported from Atwood, Kansas, of William G. Mullen, who was one of the pioneer settlers of Nevada township, and for whom in part was named the district which is yet known as the "Mullen Settlement." Mr. Mullen was born in Kentucky February 26, 1821 and died in Atwood, Kansas, June 1, 1906, aged 85 years, 3 months and 6 days. He removed in youth to Indiana, went from there to the Mexican war, was married there to Jane McCormick, emigrated to Story county, Iowa in 1855 and located in the Mullen Settlement a few miles southeast of Nevada. Here he reared his family and remained for more than thirty years, but in 1886 he removed to Atwood, Kansas, where he spent the remaining twenty years of his life. His wife died there ten years ago, and he leaves four sons, Henry W. of Nevada, Albert of Atwood and Charles and Melvin of Colorado Springs. Another son and a daughter also grew to maturity but died leaving family.

Mr. Mullen was in his time one of the representative farmers of the county, and he was always a man of character and worth. The later generation of Story county people probably know little or nothing of him; but among the people of the earlier days he was respected and esteemed, and such people will learn of his demise with much regret, albeit with due recognition that he had survived to a ripe old age. He visited his old friends and associates here once after his removal, having been here seven years ago.


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