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Glenn H. Buffum (1886-1908)


Posted By: Dorian Myhre (email)
Date: 3/6/2017 at 22:54:20

From Nevada Representative June 8, 1908

Mrs. Wells' Grandson Killed

Glenn H. Buffum of Rock Island, Illinois, grandson of Mrs. Hannah Wells* of Nevada, was fatally injured in the Rock Island railroad yards at West Davenport Wednesday. He and a companion had come in on a local freight, and, alighting at a signal station near the city limits were struck by another train, and both were injured, young Buffum dying soon after. He was twenty-two years of age, was a young man of worth and rare promise, and was taking a stenographer and bookkeeper for the Illinois Colliery company Rock Island. He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Buffum of Rock Island and brother and sister who are younger than he.

*SUBMITTER'S NOTE: Glenn Buffum was the son of Ira H. Buffum and Anna M. Hayes. Hannah (Buffum) Wells was the wife of Rinnah Wells, Jr. and was not the mother of either Ira Buffum or Anna Hayes. However, her maiden name being Buffum, she was obviously related to the deceased.


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