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Sidney E Goldsberry (1878-1909)


Posted By: Dorian Myhre (email)
Date: 12/10/2016 at 19:56:41

From Nevada Representative December 17, 1909 (front page)


Death of Sidney Goldsberry

Sidney E. Goldsberry died about six o'clock Thursday evening at the home of his mother, Mrs Alice McKim, at the Ingalls residence. His death was the culmination of consumption, and it had for some time been regarded by relatives and friends as inevitable. His health had been failing for a year or two, and he came here last summer in a somewhat broken state. But after a few weeks he went out to Oregon where his brother Clyde is living, and a camping experience seemed for a time to benefit him He returned here, however, about the first of October without having made any permanent improvement, and he has since been failing steadily.

Sidney Goldsberry was born at Iowa Center in this county March 2, 1878, and died as stated at Nevada on December 16, 1909, aged 31 years, 9 months and 14 days. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Goldsberry, who then lived at Iowa Center and afterwards had their home at Maxwell, where the father died many years ago, leaving his wife with two little boys, Sidney and Clyde. Afterwards Mrs. Goldsberry married Dan McKim of Nevada, and here the family home has for the most part been since. Sidney grew up on Nevada, and he got the greater part of his education here in the printing offices of the Representative and the Watchman. We think he started in the Watchman office; but he was with the Representative for several years. His habit were not in all respects what employers and other friends would have preferred but he was reliable and faithful, and he was a valued hand in both offices. Later he was for two or three years at Grand Junction, where he became foreman of the office in which he was employed and in his visits home afterwards he gave strong appearance of getting on in world. His friends could see with pleasure that he was on the right road, and it was with much regret that they noted later that his health was beginning to fail. Kindest feelings were always entertained toward him by those who knew him best, and the good record that he made in his later years was the occasion of real satisfaction. He leaves his mother, his brother Clyde and his half-brother, Ralph McKim.

The funeral will be conducted from the Ingalls residence Sunday at twelve thirty by Rev. Hunter, and the interment will be at Iowa Center where his father is buried.


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