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Rachel Ann Smith (1858-1890)


Posted By: Dorian Myhre (email)
Date: 1/11/2016 at 22:17:53

From Nevada Representative January 8, 1890

--Miss Rachel Ann Smith died very suddenly last night, being found dead in her bed this morning.

From Nevada Representative January 15, 1890

Iowa Centre.

Our town was shocked Wednesday morning January 8th by the sad news of the death of Rachel Smith who died very suddenly. Although she had been afflicted for two years her death was very unexpected. The funeral services were held in the Evangelical church Thursday morning conducted by Rev. Ferguson. Such is life; one by one we are passing away....

On the same page of this issue of the paper:

SMITH--Sister Rachel Annn Smith, daughter of Wm. and Susan Smith, was born in Story county, Iowa, May 6, 1858 and died January 8, 1890, aged 31 years, 8 months and 2 days. She was afflicted for the last two years, suffering at times very severely, yet she bore her affliction with much patience, and on Tuesday evening she was up until after ten o'lock engaged in needle work. At 5:30 o'clock A. M. she called her father as she was accustomed to do, then sat up a little while and talked with her sister, then remarked that she would lie down and take a little nap; as she reclined upon her bed he sister noticed that she was dying and called the rest of the family. Dr. Thompson was called, but came to late to render aid. She was a member of the I. O. G. T. of Iowa Center and whenever able to attend the lodge she was present. She leaves parents, brothers and sisters and a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn her sudden departure. There was a very large funeral. She was buried by the Good Templars; funeral sermon by the writer, assisted by Rev. R. A. Ferguson. W. J. HAHN.

SUBMITTER'S NOTE: Rachel Ann Smith was the daughter of William V. Smith and Susanna Whitinger.


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