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Nellie (Hart) Leonard (1860-1889)


Posted By: Dorian Myhre (email)
Date: 1/11/2016 at 21:35:57

From Nevada Representative November 27, 1889


Died at her home in Nevada, Iowa, November 24th, 1889, after an illness of about three weeks, Mrs. C. B. Leonard, aged a few days over 29 years.

Miss Nellie Hart was born at Manchester, N. H., November 21st, 1860, and when she was about seven years old came with her parents to Nevada where she has since resided. Her school days were mainly passed in the Nevada public school, where she was a apt and orderly scholar. She was married in 1876 to C. R. Leonard. She has been a active worker in the temperance cause and member of the Women's Relief Corps. Her religious sympathies where more with the Presbyterian society than any other, her children being attendants of its Sunday school. She leaves a husband and five children, the youngest but five years old, to mourn her early death. Her funeral services were largely attended and conducted by Rev.'s Danner and Ferguson, under the general direction of the Good Templar lodge and Relief Corps, to whom and to neighbors and friends generally, Mr. Leonard extends heartfelt thanks for all sympathy and aid extended.

The Good Templar and Relief Corps organizations, with whom the whole community joins, submit the following memorial papers:


New Hope Lodge, No. 140, Nevada, Iowa, I. O. G. T., having learned of the death of Mrs. Nellie Leonard, which occurred at her home in this city on the night of Nov. 24, 1889, at the regular meeting held Nov. 25, 1889, appointed a committee to prepare a suitable tribute, and therefore the following is offered:

It is with deep and profound regret that we are called to chronicle the death of our sister, for we hereby record our testimony that we always found her faithfully at her post of duty. The Lodge had no one more truly devoted to its welfare than she was. Her very soul was in the great temperance reform, and to it she gave her time and efforts in unstinted measure. She was a true wife, a fond mother, and a good neighbor, in view of this bereavement we offer these resolutions:--

1. That we deeply feel the loss of our sister, for we realize that her place in our midst cannot be easily filled.

2. We will cherish, with fond recollections, the memory of our sister, and be encouraged by the zeal that prompted her.

3. That we tender the bereaved family our fullest sympathy in this time of great sorrow, and earnestly hope that their loss is her eternal gain.

4. That a copy of this tribute be presented to the family, and likewise a copy of the city paper for publication.


Nevada, Iowa, Nov. 26, 1889
At a meeting of Jason D. Ferguson W. R. C., No. 147, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted:

WHEREAS, It has pleased our Heavenly Father in his alwise providence, to call to a better world our esteemed sister, Nellie Leonard, therefore be it.

Resolved, That we, the member of W. R. C. No. 147, do hereby extend to husband and family our heart felt sympathy in their affliction and sorrow.

Resolved, That our charger and badges be draped in mourning for the space of 30 days, as a token of respect to her memory, and that these resolutions be spread upon our minutes, and a copy thereof furnished the family, and also the city papers for publication, and a copy be sent to the Advocate for the same purpose.



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