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George N. Crum (1870-1890)


Posted By: Dorian Myhre (email)
Date: 1/10/2016 at 22:25:18

From Nevada Representative January 29, 1890

DIED--In Sherman township Jan. 12, 1890 George Crum. He was the only son if a family of five children and was much loved by all who knew him. He will be greatly missed by young and old of this community. The bereaved household have the deep sympathy of friends and neighbors. The following lines are in memory.


Sadly they lay him down to rest,
A heart tender and true;
The clods that fall above his breast,
Make hallowed earth forever blest,
In the grave that hides from view.

Rest faithful heart; no pain or worried sleep
Shall more disturb your sweet repose,
Over thy grave thy sisters weep,
A faithful watch will ever keep,
Till their life's day shall close.

Look up, sad hearts, left all alone
With sorrow dark as night,
We're crossing over one by one'
You'll meet some day around the throne,
And God will make it right.



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