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Daniel Ames Bigelow (1839-1890)


Posted By: Dorian Myhre (email)
Date: 3/15/2011 at 19:32:53

From Story County Watchman March 14, 1890

The Ames Watchman

Among those in attendance upon the funeral of Mr. Bigelow on Tuesday were Postmaster Green, and Messrs. Haverly, Aplan and Benfer, of Cambridge, R. H. Boyd and wife of Story City, and a goodly number from Nevada, Gilbert, Kelly, Ontario and other points, and many relatives and friends from Illinois and elsewhere.

Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Bousquet left yestermorning for Ames, having gone up there to attend the funeral of their former neighbor and friend Col. D. A. Bigelow, who died last Sabbath morning after a long and serious illness at the age of about 54 years.--Pella Blade

In the same paper:

D. A. Bigelow died at his residence in Ames on Sunday morning. He was born in Chester, Mass., Nov. 1829, and moved to Illinois in 1856, and came to Ames in 1868 where he has since resided. He was one of the leading men of the county and a member of the Baptist church. He was one of the delegates from Iowa to the National Republican convention in 1888 and as such attended that body. His funeral was held at his residence in Ames on Tuesday, the sermon being preached by Rev. Benton, of Belvidere, Ill. The services were under charge of Arcadia Lodge of Mason assisted by Ellsworth Post G. A. R., of which orders he was an honored member, and whose resolution may be found below. He leaves a wife and four children to mourn his loss.

The following resolutions were passed by Arcadia Lodge of Masons at their meeting on Tuesday:
WHEREAS, It has pleased the Supreme Architect of the Universe to take form our midst our beloved brother, D. A. Bigelow, therefore be it:
RESOLVED, That in the death of our brother this Lodge has sustained the loss of one of its most honored members, the community one of its most respected citizens, the family a devoted husband and a kind and indulgent father.
That, we extend to the berieved family our most heartfelt sympathy and can only direst them to look to Him who tempers the wind to the shorn lamb, for comfort and concolation.
That, out of respect to his memory and the family, we attned the funeral in a body, and that this Lodge be draped in mourning for the period of three months.
That, a copy of these resolutions be forwarded to the family, and that they be publiched in the local papers.

The following resolutions were adopted by Ellsworth Post No. 30 G. A. R.
Whereas, the King of Kings has called to that home from whence no traveler returns, our beloved comrade therefore,
RESOLVED, That in the death of Comrade D. A. Bigelow we as a Post suffer the loss of an efficient comrade, a loyal and steadfast friend and an exemplary man and citizen.
RESOLVED, That we tender to the bereaved wife and children of our deceased comrade our sincere and heartfelt sympathy in this hour of their sorest trial, and we earnestly commend them to the care of Him who doeth all things well. RESOLVED, That our charter be draped in mourning for thirty days, and that a copy of these resolutions be sent the bereaved family, a copy spread upon our record and a copy published in the Intelligencer.


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