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Cornelius Joor (1824-1885)


Posted By: Dorian Myhre (email)
Date: 1/17/2011 at 23:12:12

From Story County Watchman July 3, 1885

DIED.--On Monday, June 29th in his 61st year Cornelius Joor. He was born in Holland in 1824 and come to the United States in 1842. He joined the M. E. Church in 1854, and afterward became connected with the Presbyterian. He served in the war of the rebellion in the 14th Iowa Infantry and the G. A. R. turned out in full force to do him honor at the last, and it was conducted under their direction. The sermon was preached by Rev. Zeigler. The attendance was quite large the neighbors showing their appreciation of his value as a neighbor and friend. He leaves a wife and two grown up children.


Story Obituaries maintained by Mark Christian.
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