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Pas, Johanna W. “Anna,” 1867-1933


Posted By: Lydia Lucas - Volunteer (email)
Date: 6/13/2021 at 20:33:37

From the Alton Democrat, May 26, 1933, Orange City news:

Death of Miss Anna Pas

On Friday, May 19, Miss Anna Pas died at the home of A. J. Vander Meide, after an extended illness of heart trouble. She was born in Pella 66 years ago, and came to Orange City at the age of six years with her parents, and had resided here ever since. After her mother’s death 37 years ago, she made her home with her sister, Mrs. A. J. Vander Meide. For two years, she had been a semi-invalid and her splendid Christian character and gentle disposition endeared her to all with whom she came in contact. She was the youngest of a family of eight brothers and sisters, namely, George, John, Mrs. A. J. Vander Meide, Mrs. J. De Jong, Mrs. M. Rhynsburger, Mrs. Teunis Tysseling and Mrs. John Vande Steeg, all of whom preceded her in death.

Funeral services were held at the home at 1:30 p.m. on Monday, May 22, and at 2:00 in the American Ref. church of which she had been a member for many years. The services were conducted by Rev. J. D. Dykstra, and a mixed quartette consisting of Mrs. Harold De Jong, Mrs. G. J. Slobe, W. W. Schultz and Ellsworth De Jong sand “In the Garden” and “O Love That Will Not Let Me Go.” The pallbearers were her nephews who reside in the vicinity: A. J. Vande Steeg, Jacob and Hubert Vander Meide, Conrad, Hubert and Harold De Jong. Interment took place at the Orange City cemetery.

Those from out of town who came for the funeral were Mrs. Geo. Pas, Sr., and George Pas, Jr., Mankato, Minn.; Teunis Tysseling, Mrs. F. Mucholz and daughter Harriet, Ames; Mr. and Mrs. George Ross, Grinnell; Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Vander Meide, Sheldon; Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Stubbs, Holstein; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schalekamp, Sioux Center.

* * * * * * * * * *

From De Volksvriend, May 25, 1933:

Naar Huis Geroepen

Vrijdagmorgen overleed Miss Anna Pas ten huize van haar schoonbroeder A. Vander Meide. Met een tenger gestel en een hart dat niet sterk was bereikte ze nog den matigen ouderdom van 66 jaar.

Miss Johanna—want dat was haar doopnaam—werd te Pella, Ia., geboren. In 1872 kwam de familie naar Sioux County. Van zes zusters en twee broeders is zij nu als de laatste heengegaan. De twee broeders waren George en John. Eerstgenoemde was architect en John was in de zaak Pas en Rhynsburger. Van de vijf zusters ging een paar maand geleden Mrs. John Vande Steeg heen. De anderen waren Mrs. M. Rhynsburger, Mrs. A. Vander Meide, Mrs. T. Tysseling en Mrs. Jacobus de Jong.

Johanna kwam 38 jaar geleden in het gezin van haar zuster Mrs. A. Vander Meide en het was haar lot en voorrecht doar tot aan haar einde te verkeeren. Ze was daar thuis. En van daar werd ze uitgedragen door een zestal jonge mannen, allen neven. Een korte dienst werd gehouden in de Am. Ref. kerk onder leiding van haar leeraar Ds. J. D. Dykstra, en waar een viertal een paar stukken zongen.

Benevens het bestuur van Mr. Vander Meides huishouding zoo lang zij dat vermocht, was Miss Pas vele jaren onderwijzeres in de Sabbatschool, een getrouw lid der Ladies’ Aid der gemeente. Ook stelde zij bijzonder belang in den arbeid der W. C. T. U. van welke organisatie zij ook een levend werkend deel was. Ze was een ware vriendin van velen en vooral ook van de kinderen, met welke ze gaarne contact zocht.

Ze heeft zacht en kalm geleefd en zoo is zij gestorven. Toen een Elia of een Cromwell heengingen was er storm en onweder. Een groepje vrienden en vriendinnen hebben deze ontslapene ter ruste gelegd op een liefelijken zonnigen namiddag in de lente. Daar was stille eerbiedige droefheid; ook onbeschrijfelijk weemoed bij de gedachte dat met haar de laatste van haars vaders huis is verdwenen.

Van elders waren ter begrafenis Mr. Tysseling en dochter van Knoxville en de schoonzuster Mrs. George Pas en haar zoon van Mankato, Minn.


On Friday morning Miss Anna Pas passed away in the home of her brother-in-law A. Vander Meide. With a petite frame and a heart that was not strong, she still reached the moderate age of 66 years.

Miss Johanna—for that was her baptismal name—was born in Pella, Iowa. In 1872 the family came to Sioux County. She is now the last remaining of six sisters and two brothers. The two brothers were George and John. The former was an architect and John was in the firm of Pas and Rhynsburger. Of the five sisters Mrs. John Vande Steeg passed on a few months ago. The others were Mrs. M. Rhynsburger, Mrs. A. Vander Meide, Mrs. T. Tysseling and Mrs. Jacobus de Jong.

Johanna came into the family of her sister Mrs. A. Vander Meide 38 years ago and it was her fate and privilege to remain there to the end. She was at home there. And from there she was borne by six young men, all nephews. A short service was held in the American Reformed church led by her pastor Rev. J. D. Dykstra, and where a quartet sang a few pieces.

In addition to the management of Mr. Vander Meide’s household as long as she could, Miss Pas was a teacher for many years in the Sabbath school, a faithful member of the Ladies’ Aid of the congregation. She also took particular interest in the work of the W.C.T.U. of which organization she was also an active participant. She was a true friend of many and especially of the children, with whom she gladly sought contact.

She has lived quietly and calmly and so she died. When an Elijah or a Cromwell passed, there was storm and thunder. A group of friends and girlfriends have put this sleeper to rest on a lovely sunny afternoon in the spring. There was silent, reverent sadness; also indescribable melancholy at the thought that with her the last of her father’s house has gone.

Coming to the funeral from elsewhere were Mr. Tysseling and daughter of Knoxville and sister-in-law Mrs. George Pas and her son from Mankato, Minn.

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The Sioux County Cemetery Index has Pas, Johanna W., b. 22 Sep 1867, d. 19 May 1933, West Lawn Cem, Orange City IA. (There is also a WPA Index entry: Pas, Anna, no dates, West Lawn Cem, Orange City IA.)

Her death certificate has Johanna Pas, single, born Sept. 15, 1866 in Iowa; father H. Pas, mother’s name unknown to the informant, A. Van de Meide, both born in the Netherlands; occupation, housekeeping; died at 4 p.m. May 19, 1933; cause pan carditis, onset 1930; contributory cause, chronic nephritis, onset 1931.

FindaGrave.com has her as Johanna W. Pas, born 22 Sep 1867, died 19 May 1933, with a photo of her headstone; buried in West Lawn Cemetery, Orange City; parents Huibert Pas (1815-1871) and Wilhelmina Muilenburg Pas (1819-1895).


Sioux Obituaries maintained by Linda Ziemann.
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