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Zwaan, Arie 1864-1897


Posted By: Leslie Brondsema (email)
Date: 2/3/2017 at 14:09:33

Sioux County Herald June 23, 1897
Death of Arie Zwaan

The death of Arie Zwaan, which occurred last Saturday at his home near Hornick, was a peculiarly sad one. Mr. Zwaan had lived in Sioux county for a number of years and early in March last was married to Miss Kate Van der Aarde of this city, removing immediately after the marriage to a farm six miles from Hornick.
A week ago Saturday Mr. Zwaan was taken suddenly ill and on Wednesday his condition was so serious that his wife telegraphed for her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Van der Aarde. The latter left the same evening and Saturday a telegram came announcing the sufferer’s death, which was caused by inflammation of the bowels. During Mr. Zwaan's sickness the neighbors rendered all possible assistance and did everything in their power to alleviate his sufferings. To them the sorrowing relatives wish to return heartfelt thanks for their kindness and tenderness.
K. Van der Aarde went to Hornick Saturday and on Sunday the remains were brought to this city for burial. The funeral occurred Monday from the house of Mr. and Mrs. B. Van der Aarde at 1 o'clock and from the Christian Reformed church at 2 o'clock, Rev. J. F. Zwemer conducting the services at the house and Rev. M. Kolyn those at the church. Mr. Zwaan was an industrious man of good habits and morals and the many friends whom he made in this community will be pained to learn of his death. Death is always sad, but the circumstances surrounding this instance are especially so and to the widow in her terrible bereavement the deepest sympathy of all our people is extended.


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