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Posted By: Sharon R Becker (email)
Date: 7/9/2009 at 23:04:22

Holt County Sentinel
Oregon, Missouri
April, 1902


In company with his parents, brothers and sisters, there landed at New Orleans, one fine summer day in June 1834, a bright lad of four summers. From there they took a steam boat, landing at St. Louis where the cannon were booming and flags were waving in honor of the nation's 42nd birthday. Here they rested for awhile, after a nine week journey across the ocean. Then the family proceded to Warren County, Missouri, and engaged in farming. This lad of four is today a gray-haired veteran in the services of his Master, and has passed his three score and ten. He was born in Old Prussia, Germany, April 10, 1830. He remained upon the farm and became a farmer. When 17 years of age he was converted and united with the M. E. Church. He felt he was called to enter the service of his Master, but he liked the farm life and felt that he should continue in this work. In 1850 he went with his parents to Wapello, Iowa.

The lad is today our fellow townsman, Rev. Fred FIEGENBAUM, who on Friday of last week, April 11, celebrated his 50th wedding anniversary. While living in Warren County, one of his neighbors named OTTO had a nice little girl, and they became acquainted. They left the neighborhood and the families became separated, but they again met in Iowa. The acquaintance was renewed, which in due time resulted in a wedding. Frederick William FIEGENBAUM and Miss Louisa OTTO became husband and wife; the ceremony being performed in the German M.E. stone church in Wapello, Iowa 11 April 1852. The ceremony uniting these two people was performed by the groom's brother, Rev. Henry FIEGENBAUM, who on this 50th anniversary was present to renew those bonds that had united these people for these long 50 years; who amid all the trials and adversities of life had gone hand in hand; heart to heart; soul to soul; along down life's rugged pathway -- loving and serving their Master -- loving and serving each other, feeling all through these years as the 23rd Psalm has taught them.

One year after his marriage, he still felt that he should enter the field of the ministry -- he felt that he could no longer resist the call, and entered a four year course of preparation in Brush College in this state, and in the spring of 1853 he entered his Master's service and began preaching at Peoria, Illinois where he remained for nearly two years. On 13 September 1857 he was ordained an Elder by Bishop E. R. AMES at Marion, Iowa.

From 1853 to 1893 he was actively engaged in the work of the ministry excepting two years, 1872/3, which years he rested on account of health, and in 1873/5 he took a two year course at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

Forty years service in the Master's vineyard -- many of these years were such as to try one's zeal and earnestness. When he entered the service, there were but few railroads; traveling from station to station was chiefly by horseback; the exposures were of such character that only the strong and sturdy would withstand them. Only his advanced years and feeble health, incident thereto, caused him to surrender his work, which he did here in 1896.

During these forty years he has been stationed at the following places: Peoria, Illinois (1853-55); Cedar Lake, Indiana (1855-56); Chris Mount, Iowa (1856-58); Freeport, Illinois (1858-60); Salem, Minnesota (1860-61); St. Paul, Minnesota (1861-65); Burlington, Iowa (1865-67); Wapello, Iowa (1867-69); Des Moines, Iowa (1869-71); Polk City, Iowa (1871-73); Wilton, Iowa (1875-78); Canton, Missouri (1878-81); Wathena, Kansas (1881-83); Eudora, Kansas (1883-85); Clay Center, Kansas (1885-88); Lawrence, Kansas (1888-92); Oregon, Missouri (1892-96).

The wife of today and the young bride of fifty years ago, was born in Hanover, Germany 13 August 1832, and when a mere babe of nine months came to this country with her parents, who settled in Warren County, Missouri, thence to Washington County, Iowa and then near Wapello, Iowa.

There has been born to Mr. and Mrs. FIEGENBAUM nine children: three girls and six boys all of whom are magnificent types of the true, high-minded, honorable, clean citizenship. The children are: Minnie SEXAUER, whose husband is a farmer near Des Moines, Iowa, having five children; Adolph, a clerk in the War Department at Washington, married with one child; Lydia HOWARD, wife of a farmer near Sac City, Iowa, having one child; Louis, a druggist at Geneva, Nebraska, married with one child; Theodore, a druggist at Lincoln, Nebraska, married; Henry is in the hardware business at Lawton, Oklahoma, married; Edward is the kid of the family and is a jeweler at Geneva, Nebraska and is married.

In addition to the immediate children, Mrs. Rosana McDOUGLE of Gowrie, Iowa was here, the daughter of Mrs. SEXAUER, accompanied by her eldest daughter, Mrs. C. W. PIECKENBROCK and husband of Ellston, Iowa. This completed the circle of four generations represented at the anniversary. The children are all living and were here to celebrate the anniversary of the wedding of their father and mother.

It was just such another glorious April as this -- 50 years ago -- as brightly prophetic of happines in their life of activity as Friday last was embelmatic of declining years, crowned with peace and honor. That wedding of 50 years ago, as other weddings of that time, had little of the pomp and circumstance which grace the nuptials of today. There were no rehearsals, no attendants, no banks of palms and roses, but how much that solemn service meant, and its memories bear evidence.

Father and mother FIEGENBAUM's life here is its own best commentary. Its fruitage speaks for it more than eloquence can tell. Their life has been peculiarly blessed. Not a death has broken the circle of their immediate family.

Their nine children with their thirteen children enjoyed the 50th anniversary of the wedding of their parents and their grandparents.

Naturally, Friday, April 11, 1902, was one of joy and thankfulness to these two whose lives have meant so much and who have been greatly and so deservedly blessed.

Their home is a modest and unpretentious one, and on account of the limited space, the children made their order for a sumptuous dinner and luncheon, served at the Lawn Hotel, and a most elaborate affair in every detail to which some 50 of the more intimate friends and near relatives were invited.

Guests gathered in the dining room at the Lawn Hotel at one o'clock. Louis FIEGENBAUM had charge of the affair. Rev. FIEGENBAUM of St. Joseph was the first speaker. He recalled the time when the couple was married by him half century ago. Rev. John SIEKMANN of Oregon followed with a short address.

Adolph FIEGENBAUM presented the aged parents with a loving cup. On one side were the names of the nine children, and on the other side were the words: "1852 -- Wapello, Iowa -- Golden Wedding Anniversary, Oregon, Missouri, April 11, 1902."

After the presentation of the cup, both the bride and groom made short replies. Robert MONTGOMERY of Oregon followed with a few words of congratulation.

At the conclusion of the wedding feast the guests repaired to the Courthouse lawn where a photograph of the entire group was taken.

The children with their families in the order of their ages are: Mr. and Mrs. Mathew SEXAUER and son, Roscoe, Ankeny, Iowa; Mr and Mrs. A. H. FIEGENBAUM, Washington, D.C.; Mr. and Mrs. Frank HOWARD and daughter Genevieve, Sac City, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Louis FIEGENBAUM and daughter Inez, Geneva, Nebraska; Mr. and Mrs. Theodore J. FIEGENBAUM, Lincoln, Nebraska; Mr. and Mrs. Jacob MILLER and children Louise, Frieda, Wilma, Kenneth and Katherine, Wathena, Kansas; Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. FIEGENBAUM, Western, Nebraska; Mr. and Mrs. Henry FIEGENBAUM, Lawton, Oklahoma; Mr. and Mrs. William Edward FIEGENBAUM, Geneva, Nebraska. Other guests were: Mrs. Rosanna McDOUGALL and daughter of Gowrie, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Clara PIECKENBROCK, Ellston, Iowa; Mr. John OTTO, Wapello, Iowa; Mrs. Mary WAGNER, Ankeny, Iowa; Rev. H. FIEGENBAUM and Miss Anna FIEGENBAUM, St. Joseph, Missouri; Rev. J. SEIKMANN, Pastor of the German M.E. Church of Oregon; Mr. and Mrs. Robert MONTGOMERY, Oregon; Mr. and Mrs. Tom CURRY, Willie and Anna CURRY of Oregon.

The FIEGENBAUM family is a remarkable one in one particular: the family consisted of four brothers and two sisters, all of whom are still living, the sisters being widows, and the four brothers were ministers of the German M.E. Church. The eldest, Henry, began his ministerial work in 1847 and on the same day of the month, April 11 in 1847 he too was married, and in 1897 celebrated his 50th wedding anniversary. This is the fourth golden wedding to be celebrated in the family. In August 1897 Henry and Catherine WELLEMEYER celebrated their golden wedding at their home in Garner, Iowa. In 1900 Rev. and Mrs. William FIEGENBAUM celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in Edwardsville, Illinois.

The couple today were receipients of handsome presents: Mr. and Mrs. PIECKENBROCK, a berry spoon; Mr. and Mrs. SEXAUER and family, a half dozen solid silver spoons; Mr. and Mrs. A. FIEGENBAUM, three souvenir spoons of Washington, D.C.; Mr. and Mrs. Frank HOWARD, a gold handled hat brush and two souvenir spoons of Sac City, Iowa; Inez FIEGENBAUM, a bon-bon spoon; Anna FIEGENBAUM a linen table cover with a fancy yellow border; John OTTO and Mary WAGONER, a fine clock; Mr. and Mrs. Robert MONTGOMERY, a silver, gold-lined cake basket; Mrs. Sophia GOOD, a bon-bon spoon. They also received several pieces of gold money.

NOTE: Friedrich Wilhelm FIEGENBAUM was born in Lengerich-Hohne, Province of Westphalia, Prussia, on April 10, 1830, the son of Adolph Heinrich and Christine Elisabeth (PETERJOHANN) FIEGENBAUM. Rev. FIEGENBAUM died at Wathena, Doniphan County, Kansas, on February 27, 1914, and was interred at Bellemont Cemetery, Wathena, Kansas, beside his wife.

Louisa (OTTO) FIEGENBAUM was born in Venne, Osnabrock, Hanover, Germany, on August 13, 1832, and died in Wathena, Doniphan County, Kansas, on November 30, 1911. She was the daughter of Heinrich and Elizabeth Margueretha (ROLFE) OTTO. The OTTO family immigrated to the United States in 1833.


Mother Louisa FIEGENBAUM (nee OTTO) was born August 13, 1832 at Fennes, Hanover, Germany. Her parents came to this country when she was only one year old. At first they settled in Warren County, Missouri and after several years the family moved to Washington County, Iowa. In early youth she was converted at German Creek Mission and became a member of the M. E. Church.

On April 11, 1852 she was married to Frederick W. FIEGENBAUM of Wapello, Iowa, who survives her. This union was blessed with ten children, of whom one died in early infancy, six sons and three daughters surviving her, all being permitted to be present and look once more upon that dear but travel-worn face of her who watched lovingly and prayerfully over them during the years of childhood, for the responsibility of bringing up the children rested mainly on her. Soon after their marriage her husband was called to the ministry of the M. E. Church. His duty sent him away from home a great part of the time, casting upon her many burdens intended for stronger shoulders. But willingly she underwent many hardships and privations for the Lord's sake during the more than forty years which her husband spent in the ministry. He always had in her a true and devoted helpmeet; indeed, exerting a good influence everywhere.

About ten years ago she had the rare privilege of celebrating her golden wedding.

The deceased enjoyed fairly good health until about eight months ago, when she had an attack of la grippe followed by rheumatism, which caused her much pain and suffering. On November 20 she suffered a slight stroke of paralysis, followed by a severe one three days later, affecting her entire right side and rendering her speechless. Her mental powers were more or less affected. In this helpless state she remained for one week, when her soul departed for that better world at the noon hour Thanksgiving Day, November 30, 1911. A few months before she was entirely helpless, she praised to her pastor the sustaining grace of her Lord and Savior and expressed her conviction that "the Lord doeth all things well, generally as well with her." She has now entered that rest the Lord has provided for them that put their trust in Him, and love Him, and we hope and pray to follow her when our hour comes.

Holt County Sentinel
Oregon, Missouri


Rev. Frederick FIEGENBAUM, the last of four brothers, all of whom were pioneer German Methodist Preachers in the central and western states, died Saturday, February 27, 1914 at Wathena, Kansas, where he had lived ten years. He was pastor of the Oregon German M. E. Church during the years 1892-96 and was an uncle of Mrs. Tom CURRY of this city. Rev. FIEGENBAUM was nearly 84 years old, and all of the brothers attained about the same age, and were active in the pulpit until within a few years of their deaths. Not only were the brothers Methodist Preachers, but their two sisters, who survive, married preachers. The family is widely known in German Methodism in this country.

Rev. Frederick FIEGENBAUM was born in Ladbergen, Germany April 10, 1830. He came to America in 1834 with his parents, Adolph and Christine FIEGENBAUM, and settled in Warren County, Missouri, where he grew to manhood. His early years were spent on the farm. Then he went to St. Louis where his older brothers and sisters had found employment for him. With them he was brought into contact with a German Methodist revival, and after being converted he felt the call to the ministry, as his two older brothers were.

Rev. FIEGENBAUM had charges in Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Kansas and Missouri. there being no German Conference when he entered the ministry, he joined the Rock River Conference, then, later the Southwest German, now the St. Louis Conference, and from there he was transferred to the West Missouri Conference. His last charge was at Oregon, Missouri, from where he moved to Wathena, Kansas.

His wife, who was Miss Louisa OTTO, and to whom he was married at Wapello, Iowa when he was 21 years old, died November 30, 1911. The other brothers were Rev. William, Rev. H. Rudolph and Rev. Henry FIEGENBAUM, the last named for a number of years a resident of St. Joseph, who died a few years ago.

Six sons and three daughters survive as follows: Adolph H. of Washington D.C., Louis S. of Lincoln, Nebraska, Theodore of Western, Nebraska, Benjamin F. of Lawrence, Kansas, Henry of Springfield, Nebraska, William Edward of Geneva, Nebraska, Mrs. Mathew SEXAUER of Ankeny, Iowa, Mrs. Frank HOWARD of Sac City, Iowa and Mrs. Jacob MILLER of Wathena, Kansas. The sisters are Mrs. Elizabeth WELLEMEYER of Warrenton, Missouri, aged 86 and Mrs. Minna WINTER of Casper, Wyoming aged 82.

The funeral was held at Wathena, Kansas on Sunday, 1 March, services being conducted from the home and from the Wathena German Methodist Church, burial being at Wathena.

Wathena, Kansas


Frederick William FIEGENBAUM was born in Ladbergen, Prussia April 10, 1830. His parents emigrated to the United States in 1834 and located in the neighborhood of Hopewell, Warren County, Missouri, which was his home until he was 21 years of age. On February 19, 1846, while attending a quarterly meeting, he was converted and became a member of the Methodist-Episcopal Church. the following morning he received a call to enter the ministry, but did not begin active work until the spring of 1853.

In 1852 he was married to Louisa OTTO, who passed to her reward November 30, 1911. Ten children were born to them, of whom one died in infancy. Six sons and three daughters survive. Mrs. Minnie SEXAUER of Ankeny Iowa; A. H. FIEGENBAUM of Washington D.C.; Mrs. Lydia M. HOWARD of Sac City, Iowa; Louis FIEGENBAUM of Lincoln, Nebraska; Theodore FIEGENBAUM of Western, Nebraska; Mrs. Emma MILLER of Wathena, Kansas; Benjamin FIEGENBAUM of Lawrence, Kansas; Henry FIEGENBAUM of Springfield, Nebraska and William Edward FIEGENBAUM of Geneva, Nebraska.

He was superanuated in 1895 and lived in Oregon, Missouri until 1902 when he and his wife moved to Wathena. After the death of Mrs. FIEGENBAUM, he visited among the children, and in September he came to the home of his daughter, Mrs. Emma MILLER. His strength was failing at this time and grew weaker until he finally passed peacefully to his reward February 27, 1914, aged 83 years, 10 months and 17 days.

Father FIEGENBAUM's presence in the community will be greatly missed. Those who knew him well, even the child on the street, always had a word and a smile from him; he was staunch, and loyal to the last for right and truth, especially anxious always for the upbuilding of the church in the community in which he lived. He never missed going to all the services in the town, when he was able, and was especially strong in his belief that the children had an important part in the church as in the family. The bereaved family will always remember his anxiety and loving thoughtfulness for each alike, and may the Spirit of our Christ, who was Father FIEGENBAUM's guide, in all things be ours.

The funeral was held Sunday at 2:00 p.m. from the house to the German M. E. Church. Rev. E. CREPIN and Rev. J. H. BISHOP preached in English and Rev. BUECHNER of St. Joseph in German. Burial was in Bellemont Cemetery by the side of his life's companion, all the children being present. Other relatives in attendance were: Miss Anna FIEGENBAUM, Mrs. STEINMETZ, both of St. Joseph, Missouri; Mrs. Tom CURRY* of Oregon, Missouri and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. WINTER of Topeka, Kansas.

*Tom CURRY was the editor and publisher of the Holt County Sentinel of Oregon, Missouri.

Children of Frederick William and Louisa (OTTO) FIEGENBAUM
1) Wilhelmine Christine Elizabeth "Minnie" FIEGENBAUM

born 05 Jul 1853, Peoria IL; died 10 Jul 1943, Des Moines IA

married 13 Jun 1872 Mathew SEXAUER, born 25 Sep 1847 PA; died 01 Apr 1928, Ankeny IA


1) Rosana Magdeline (SEXAUER) McDOUGAL, born 01 Jul 1873; died 15 Apr 1958, Tujunga CA

2) Fredrick Jacob SEXAUER, born 23 Apr 1877; died 13 Oct 1964, Des Moines IA

3) Emily Louise SEXAUER, born 27 Dec 1879; died 22 Dec 1968, Greeley CO

married 13 Jun 1872 Clarence PIECKENBROCK

Clarence PIECKENBROCK born 09 Jul 1877; died 06 Oct 1930 IA

residence Ellston, Ringgold Co. IA

Children: 3 sons and Veronica Louise (1905-2002) & Viola Marie (1914-1949)

4) Hallet Mathew Simpson SEXAUER, born 03 Mar 1885; died 21 Nov 1958, Ankeny IA

5) Rosecoe Conklin SEXAUER, born 25 Nov 1897; died 21 Nov 1957, Des Moines IA
2) Adolph Heinrich FIEGENBAUM

born 07 Mar 1855, Cedar Lake IN; died 18 Jun 1930, Washington, D.C.

born 06 Sep 1856, Dubuque Co. IA; died 12 Sep 1856, Dubuque Co. IA

born 11 Oct 1857, Freeport IL; died 29 Mar 1923, Sac City IA
5) Louis Theodore Stephan FIEGENBAUM

born 22 Oct 1859, Salem MN; died 09 Jan 1919, Lincoln NE
6) Theodore Johann FIEGENBAUM

born 09 Nov 1861, St. Paul MN; died 19 Aug 1945, Lincoln NE

born 16 Dec 1864, Woodbury MN; died 26 Mar 1951, Wathena KS
8) Benjamin Friedrich FIEGENBAUM

born 07 Jan 1865, Wapello IA; died 20 Jan 1934, Eudora KS
9) Heinrich F. FIEGENBAUM

born 10 Jan 1868, Wapello IA; died 06 Dec 1954, Omaha NE
10) Wilhelm Edward FIEGENBAUM

born 05 Jan 1870, Des Moines IA; died 05 Jan 1955, Lincoln NE


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