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Magoun, Frederic Hyde 1852-1885


Posted By: Marilyn Holmes (email)
Date: 4/30/2012 at 07:53:21

The Grinnell (IA) Herald


MAGOUN.--In Grinnell, Apr. 15, 1885, Rev. Frederic Hyde Magoun, late pastor of the Congregational church at Storm Lake, Iowa, at the age of 33 years, 2 months, and 24 days.

He was born in Bath, Maine, Jan. 22, 1852; graduated at Iowa College in 1873, and was tutor one year, 1876-7. Sickness for several years after graduation prevented his studying for the ministry, and he resorted to Colorado, Northern Wisconsin, and New England for health, passing about a year at the Dansville Water Cure, N.Y. He began to preach, without taking the theological course, while tutor in college, and was ordained at Gilman in the autumn of 1878. The church at Gilman grew out of a Sunday evening prayer meeting begun while he taught a winter school there before the town was started, and while preaching there he also gathered the church at Newburg. In the fall of 1882 he removed from Gilman to Storm Lake, and soon secured the building of a beautiful brick church edifice and largely increasing the strength and influence of the church. He left it in January, as soon as he could obtain another pastor, in the midst of a revival. The condition that no home missionary aid should be received was made by him with both churches for which he labored. He gave himself entirely, without reserve or thought of personal gain to the work of the ministry.

He was compelled to leave his church at Storm Lake on account of ill health and came home about three months ago. His physician soon made it known that his disease was an internal cancer. For two long months loving friends have watched by his bedside day and night, and everything that was possible was done to alleviate his intense suffering. During his entire sickness he exhibited a most admirable Christian spirit and not a single murmur of complaint escaped his lips. His sickness and death was a wonderful example of the saving, sustaining power of Christ. Almost his last words were "Come, come Lord Jesus, come quickly." He is now at rest. The friends of the deceased have the sincere and heartfelt sympathy of the college and the whole community in their bereavement. The funeral services will be held in the Stone church Saturday morning at 10 o'clock, conducted by Rev. G.H. White.


Poweshiek Obituaries maintained by Cindy Booth Maher.
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