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Vindication of Honor-1874


Posted By: CHERYL MOONEN (email)
Date: 8/17/2018 at 15:43:04

Dubuque Daily Times, Sunday, Aug 16, 1874, Dubuque, IA, Page: 1

Vindication of Honor

Yesterday at Silver Creek, twelve mile from here, Jacob Stoves shot and instantly killed J. J. Clark. Both were farmers in good circumstances. The cause of the shooting is alleged criminal intimacy between Stoves’ wife and Clark which is said to have been going on for a year and a half. After doing all in his power to reclaim his wife, Stoves at last had recourse to the use of a shot gun, and rid himself of the destroyer of his happiness. He was brought to town at a late hour last night, and is now in jail awaiting preliminary examination.


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