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Agnes, Mary A. 1862 - 1931


Posted By: Doris Hoffman, Volunteer (email)
Date: 2/14/2012 at 15:18:14


End comes Last Thursday After an Illness Covering, Eleven Years

Mrs. M. A. Agnes, a pioneer resident of Akron, was called , to- her reward last Thursday, October 29, 1931.

A prolonged illness, which extended: over a period of eleven years, becoming critical last June, Left little hope of recovery for her. Within the past few months she has had the consolation of visits from her children, both near and at a distance.

Mrs. Mary Agnes, fifth child of Patrick and Bridget Dunn, was born In the Province of Ontario, Canada, May; 20, 1862. When but a year old, with her family she moved to Negonee, Michigan, where she lived until the age of twelve years. Then the Dunn family traveled from the mining region of Michigan to the uncultivated prairie lands of northwestern Iowa, in Plymouth county, near Le Mars. Soon after their arrival they suffered the hardships resulting- from the three-year grasshopper plague. Those alone who have experienced such can appreciate the trials.of that destructive visitation and tell its true story.

She was united in marriage with Matthew A. Agnes, the fiftieth anniversary of which wedding would have been celebrated November 7 of the year. the spring following their wedding they located in Akron, at that time called Portlandville, and helped establish our present town. God blessed their union with eleven children. One little daughter died in infancy, and her place in the home was taken later by Rose Hoffman.

All through her career Mrs, Agnes displayed-a valiancy in assisting in the promotion of the Faith which she cherished. This Faith was her strength throughout active life and during the prolonged and intense suffering which preceded her death. As she breathed forth her soul in peace to God, she was surrounded by her children, who were united In prayer petitioning God's mercy and His sweet welcome for her.

The charity of this noble woman brought unto her many dear friends, who loved her in life and will ever treasure her memory as a comforting solace of friendship. A proof of the loyalty of this community was evidenced in theloving devotion tenderred to her her children during her last illness and these last days. Her pastor, Rev. Father J. A. Roder, frequently brought to her that comfort which the Sacraments of the Roman Catholic church alone can give to one who knows their real value.

Throughout all her suffering, Dr. W. T. Brunner faithfully watched, cared, spent himself In sacrificing service and lent, to her unlimited courage to carry bravely on through days of pain. A tribute deserving of this noble life was: paid to her by a former pastor, Revs Father D. K. Hurley, In the words, "She was the angel of her home. This is the splendid privilege God offers to every mother.”

A Solemn Requiem High Mass was sung for her funeral Saturday. October 31, at St. Patrick’s church. the officiating clergy were her pastor. Rev. Father D. K. Hurley, of Anthon, Iowa, deacon, and her son, John, sub-deacon. Two of her grandsons served as acolytes. Present in the sanctuary was Rev. Father Cooper, pastor of St. James’ church, Le Mars, Iowa. Interment was in the Catholic cemetery.

The family surviving are eleven children, one brother and three sisters: Mrs. Josephine Claeys, Le Mars, Iowa; James Agnes, Akron, Iowa: Mrs. Mary Neary, Elk Point, S. D.; Mrs. Gertrude Burrill, Hollywood, Calif.; twin daughters, Sister Mary Antonius, B. V.,,M., Chicago, Ill., and Sister Mary St. Vivian, B. V. M., Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Sister Mary St. Matthew, B." V. M., Clinton, Iowa; Olive Agnes; of Akron; John Agnes, of the Society of: Jesus,.; St. Mary's, Kansas; Matthew Agnes, Le- Mars. Iowa; Rose Hoffman, Akron P. H. Dunn, Margaret Dunn and Mrs. Loretta Redmond, Akron; Mrs. .T. McCarty, Sheldon, Iowa, and thirteen grandchildren.

Relatives from a distance who attended the funeral were: Mrs. J. McCarty, Eileen McCarty, Arleen McCarty, Mr. and Mrs. L. McCarty, Mr. and Mrs. V. McCarty, Mr. and Mrs. Matt. Weir, all of Sheldon, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coughlin, of Plankinton, S. D.; Mrs. A. Murphy and son, Andrew, and Mr. and Mrs. E . Agnes and son, John, of Sioux City, Iowa; D. G. Johnson and Kenneth Johnson, of Ireton, Iowa. Numerous friends of pioneer days from Le Mars and vicinity, friends from adjoining towns and friends of her children joined in paying their last respects.

Akron Register Tribune
Thursday, November 5, 1931
Akron, Iowa


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