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The Anglums


Posted By: Cathy Joynt Labath (email)
Date: 11/11/2006 at 16:19:02


p. 129-130

Submitted by Florence Degnan and Maurine Sweeney.

William Anglum and his bride left Tipperary, Ireland, in the early eighteen hundreds and landed in Stratford, Ontario, Canada. Four children were born to them: William Jr., Mrs. Mary Peyton, Mrs. Margaret Goodkind of Montana and Mrs. Henry Bradshaw of Nevada.

William Sr. was born in Statford in 1841, and married Rachel Kirby, a native of Ireland, in 1861. He graduated from high school at the age of twenty, and taught school for many years. Some time later they came to the United States, making their home in Chicago. Later they came to Neola, Iowa. They came to Palo Alto County in 1893. His good wife passed to her eternal reward in 1911. Grandpa, as he was called, died in 1917. He had taken care of his grandchildren while he was ill. He is buried in Calvary Cemetery at Ayrshire.

William Jr. was the father of eight children: Mary, who died in childbirth and the son was raised by his grandparents; Thomas, who died in Canada; Rachel, Mrs. Wilkson, who is buried in Montana; John, who married Catherine Bowen; James married Ann Dailey; Elizabeth, who married Patrick Bowen; Sarah and Frank Russel of Whittemore; and Winifred, who was married to Tom Smith.

Tom Anglum decided to migrate and homestead in Canada, so his sister and her husband, Pat Brown, planned to go with him. Since the family was soon separated, they had a photo made of the group. They all went to Emmetsburg (in their surreys with the fringe on top) where they had the photo taken. It is sad to say, but they never met again. They lived where the Wilbur Heiman family now live, north of Ayrshire.

William James Anglum was born at Neola, Iowa. His wife, Ann Dailey, was born in Ft. Dodge, Iowa, on December 27, 1875.

James and Ann were married in Sacred Heart Church on Feb. 6, 1893. Ten children were born to them: Edward, died in infancy; William, died at the age of two; Mary was seven when she was burned to death in a tragic fire in 1904. This fire is the fire that destroyed half of the business district of Ayrshire. She and some little friends were on their way home from school, and as children will, were picking articles such as pretty buttons out of the ashes lift from the fire of the night before. Her clothing caught fire, apparently from a small spark that was in the debris. A man who was passing by threw his coat about her and distinguished the flame. She was taken to Dr. Duhigg’s office and later Dr. O’Brien was called, but she was dead when he arrived in Ayrshire. At that time they were living in the house that was located where Steve Peterson’s log house now is. Rachel married Harry Degnan, and died in 1972. Forence married Ralph Degnan, and lives southeast of Ayrshire. Harry (Posey) died in 1973. John M., passed away at the age of thirty-three in 1938. Matthew and Margaret (twins), Margaret, died at birth and Matthew in 1930, Maurine (Toots) married Bert Sweeney. She lies in Ayrshire and is Postmistress of the local Post Office.

The Anglums came from Neola, Iowa, in 1892. Later James and John operated a met market in Ayrshire for several years. Later Jim, with his family, moved to Mallard where he ran a meat market. Mrs. Anglum died while they lived there, in 1911. Jim continued in the meat market until he beame ill in 1917, when they returned to Ayrshire. He passed away in 1921.


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