John Patchin (?-1898)
Posted By: Alan Nicholson
Date: 4/1/2014 at 23:07:24
Paullina Times, 3 Nov 1898, p. 5
The sudden and mysterious death of John Patchin at Ocheydan, Iowa, on Saturday night was the general topic of conversation here the past few days. Mr. Patchin was well known in Paullina and the farming community surrounding this place. His home was near Mitchellville, Iowa, and he has been running a threshing machine here every fall for the past several years. This fact and for the further reason that he was a brother-in-law of D. H. and John Adkins, no doubt helped to extend his general acquaintance in this community, and the particulars of his sudden death will be of general interest. As the circumstances are related by Messrs. Adkins who went to Ocheydan Sunday in response to a telegram announcing the death of their relative, Mr. Patchin retired sometime between the hours of ten and twelve o'clock Saturday evening, stopping at the hotel in Ocheydan. He had attended a republican speech the same evening, but instead of going to his private rooms had decided to stop at the hotel. He had not been sick, and it was developed at the coroner's inquest that he gave no evidence by act or manner of anything unusual just prior or at any time before retiring. He was found by the hotel employee at noon on Sunday, dead in his room, with his overcoat still on. He had not gone to bed; but was found upon a chair, face downward, and from the appearance of the room and his position it is thought he closed and locked the door and in turning around had broken the key, part of it remaining in the door, and had fell forward upon the chair and expired without a struggle. The coroner found no cause of death. The remains were taken home for burial and we understand the funeral was held yesterday, and attended by Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Adkins and D. H. Adkins. Mr. Patchin had operated his machine near Ocheydan for two or three years past. We learn his oldest son was with him this year, but was in the country at the time of the sad occurrence. Deceased leaves a wife and seven children. As known by people here deceased was an exemplary citizen and honest and intelligent man, with no uncommon habits. His agreeable disposition and pleasant ways made firm friends always. His death caused universal sorrow among his acquaintances and friends here.
Paullina Times, 10 Nov 1898, p. 5
The death of John H. Patchen at Ocheydan on Sunday of last week and the mystery surrounding it were very correctly reported in The Times last week and correspond exactly with the later reports and the newspaper account as published in the Ocheydan paper. The relatives of this place have all returned from the home at Mitchellville, Iowa, where the remains were laid to rest. They say there is no explanation of the mystery to be made, further than that already given out, and the cause of death cannot be imagined by anyone.
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