Capt. R. C. Tifft (~1819-1898)
Posted By: Alan Nicholson
Date: 3/30/2014 at 19:02:33
Paullina Times, 25 Aug 1898, p. 4
Capt. Tifft is slowly sinking, getting weaker each day and can last but a few days more. He is nearly eighty years old and displays wonderful vitality. He has eaten no solid food for three weeks and can only take a few sips of sweetened water each day. He is suffering from no disease, but thee seems to just be a general breaking down and his death will be caused solely by old age.
Paullina Times, 8 Sep 1898, p. 5Several members of the I. O. O. F. attended the funeral of Capt. Tifft at Primghar yesterday.
Paullina Times, 15 Sep 1898, p. 5Capt. R. C. Tifft, one of the oldest residents of the county as well as one of the early settlers passed away Monday night of last week after a long illness. The funeral services were held last Wednesday and conducted by Rev. W. T. Stephenson and the lodge of Odd Fellows. Capt. Tifft has been a hard worker all his life; for years he was a janitor at the court house doing the work faithfully until he was compelled to take his bed with the sickness that took him away. Genial and pleasant to all he had many friends who will miss him. The funeral was largely attended by friends from the surrounding towns.
Obrien Obituaries maintained by Kris Meyer.
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