Elizabeth Crocker
Posted By: Kristi Gilles Mollet (email)
Date: 12/4/2024 at 12:23:30
Hello, My cousin and I have been looking for information on our 3ggrama, Elizabeth Crocker (nee Kiball). The IA vitals dept does not have a death certificate on file. Wondering if the cemetery may have information on her death, including parent names?? She's buried at the Osage Cemetary: loc - 761 & pos - 11. Is there a contact or phone number of someone to engage and discuss whether there may be records? Is there another avenue to find information on her? Any and all advice is greatly appreciated.
Born: 1800 NH (nt 100% sure this is correct), and died July 11, 1885.
Story of her and her son James
Mitchell Queries maintained by Sharyl Ferrall.
WebBBS 4.33 Genealogy Modification Package by WebJourneymen