MORGAN, John E.B. 1826-1893
Posted By: County Coordinator
Date: 9/11/2012 at 00:41:17
FUNERAL SERVICES — At 9:45 this morning, short funeral services were held at the residence of the late J. E. B. Morgan. Rev. J. E. Ensign, of Grace Church, of which organization the deceased was a highly respected member, officiated, and the simple but touching services were attended by a number of the friends of the deceased, including twenty of his fellow members of the official board of the church.
The floral tributes were profuse and very beautiful. The church quartette, consisting of Messrs. Bentley and Wyant and Mrs. Morrison and Mrs. Wilber, sang very beautifully some appropriate selections. Suitable scriptural passages were read by tho pastor, followed by prayer and brief remarks.
The remains were then taken in charge by Undertaker Slade, and the following employes of the firm of Morgan, Kelly & Taneyhill as pall bearers: T. E. Kilpatrick, S. Peterson, L. Fredin, P. A. Duke, J. O. Conger and Geo. Ferguson.
They were taken to the Branch train, and Rev. Ensign accompanied them to Osage, where the funeral services will be held this afternoon.
The following persons from out of town accompanied the funeral party: Mr. and Mrs. John Kemble, of Lansing, daughter and son-in-law of deceased; John Ammon, of Estherville, brother of Mrs. Morgan, and Mrs. L. M. Rice, of Osage.
A copy of a circular was received that was issued yesterday at Osage, calling a meeting of the business men and board of trade of that city last evening to arrange to attend the funeral in a body this afternoon.
[Waterloo Courier - Wednesday, May 3, 1893, Waterloo, Iowa]
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name: John Morgan
Birth: Mar. 28, 1826, Maryland.
Death: Apr. 23, 1893, Osage, Mitchell County, Iowa.
Cemetery: Osage City Cem.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1880 US Census: Osage, Mitchell, Iowa
J.E.B. Morgan 52 born Maryland
Louisa J., 49, wife born Indiana
Laura L. Wood, daughter, 21, widow born Iowa
Morgan C. Wood, grandson, 1, born Iowa
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wife: Louisa J. (AMMON) Morgan (1829-1897)
Osage Cemetery, Osage, Mitchell County, Iowa.Credit: DM Scott
NOTES:Louise's maiden name was AMMON. Her daughter, Laura (Morgan) Wood, was married to a Mead Wood. Mead Wood is buried in the Osage City Cemetery, as is Laura's son, Morgan Wood.
(Credit: DM Scott)
Photo of Tombstone on GPP
Mitchell Obituaries maintained by Sharyl Ferrall.
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