Ida Esther (Harrison) Little (1931)
Posted By: Linda Brittain
Date: 2/22/2006 at 20:09:06
The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Thursday, February 19, 1931
Page 5Mortuary
Ida E. Little
Ida Esther Harrison, daughter of John and Mary Harrison, was born April 8, 1870, in Madison county, Iowa, and died at the Iowa City hospital, February 10, 1931, at the age of 59 years, 10 months and 2 days. She spent most of her life in Madison and Adair counties. She was married to Samuel Slight, November 3, 1886. This union was blessed with five children, two daughters, Mrs. Alice Jones, Greenfield and Mrs. Lulu Murphy, Earlham, and three sons, Charlie of Greenfield, John of Dexter and Clarence who passed away three weeks ago. Her husband departed this life October 8, 1897.
On December 30, 1908, she was united in marriage to Hiram Little. To this union one daughter was born, Mrs. Blanche Graspy of Winterset. Mr. Little passed away on July 22, 1917.
She leaves to mourn her death, her brother, Bert Harrison of Macksburg, Iowa, with whom she made her home, five children, twenty-five grand children, two great-grandchildren, five step-daughters and one step-son, besides a host of other relatives and many friends. Three sisters and one brother preceded her in death.
During her life she encountered many sorrows but through it all she has shown a cheerful face and always had a kind and loving word for everyone. She was a constant believer in her Savior in whom she now rests.
Funeral rites were conducted by Rev. Ward B. Tarr of the Webster church. Burial in the Roberts cemetery.
________________________The Winterset News
Winterset, Iowa
Thursday, January 19, 1931
Funeral services for Mrs. Ida Little, 63, were held Thursday, February 12, at the Webster church at 2:30. Burial was in the Roberts cemetery in Adair county.
Mrs. Little was taken to the State University hospital at Iowa City Friday where she submitted to a major operation from which she was unable to recover, her death occurring February 10.
She is survived by her three daughters, Mrs. Alice Jones of Menlo; Mrs. Luella Murphy of Dexter; Mrs. Blanche Graspy of Webster township; two sons, John Slight and Charles Slight, both of Adair county; a stepson and a stepdaughter, Charles Little and Mrs. Mattie Johnson; twenty-three grandchildren and two great grandchildren; a brother, James Harrison, of Webster township with whom she has made her home several years.
Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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