Harry DeWitt Roach (1929)
Posted By: Linda Brittain
Date: 1/16/2006 at 19:12:26
The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Thursday, May 2, 1929
Page 2Harry DeWitt Roach
Harry DeWitt Roach, son of Eldora and John A. Roach, was born near Cumming, Iowa, August 11, 1888, and departed this life April 10, 1929, aged 40 years, 7 months and 29 days.
Most of his life was spent in the vicinity of Cumming. In 1911, he went to Canada, where he homesteaded three years. In May, 1918, he enlisted with Co. L, 349th Infantry, in the 88th division. He served in France from August, 1918, until June 1919.
He was married to Gladys J. Morris, of Truro, on February 11, 1920. To this union six children were born, three of whom have preceded the father. He leaves to mourn his loss his wife, son, Harlan, two daughters, Belle Lorraine and Lillian Ione, his father, mother two brothers and four sisters. He became a member of the Cumming Friends church in 1915, where his membership still remains. He also was a member of the American Legion, Cumming Post No. 562.
________________________The Winterset News
Winterset, Iowa
Thursday, April 18, 1929
Harry Roach Killed By Terrific Explosion of Grindstone
With a crushed skull and broken ribs, Harry Roach, living near Cumming, was rushed to a Des Moines hospital Thursday where a futile attempt was made to save his life. He did not regain consciousness and death occurred a few hours later.
Roach was operating a grindstone in the barn at his farm when the big wheel exploded breaking into six pieces. The terrific force of the explosion carried the pieces across the barn, the largest one crushing his skull, breaking three ribs and his collar bone.
Mrs. Roach found her husband unconscious on the barn floor and called in neighbors. It was not known until after he was taken to the hospital what had caused the terrible wounds until some one happened to find the broken bits of the emery wheel.
Mrs. Roach was Miss Gladys Morris, of Truro, and with her three children survives her husband.
Funeral services were held Sunday and burial was in the Pleasant Ridge cemetery in Lee township.
________________________Coordinator's note: The family lived in Lee Township, Madison County, west of Cumming. The Pleasant Ridge Cemetery is in Warren County.
Link to Gravestone Photo
Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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