Samuel W. Goodale (1928)
Posted By: Eileen Reed
Date: 11/8/2023 at 18:04:33
The Reno Gazette-Journal
Reno, Nevada
Friday, August 24, 1928
Samuel W. Goodale, for many years a resident of Reno, having been connected with the United States surveyor general's office, died in San Francisco yesterday noon, according to word received here by James W. Peckham. Mr. Goodale came to Reno in 1908 and served as draughtsman until 1908, when he was made chief clerk.
He served as chief clerk until 1912, when Clay Tallman, then commissioner of the land office, had him appointed inspector of surveyor generals' offices on the Coast, which position he held until 1924, when he entered the war department service in order to complete a term as federal employe in order to make him eligible for a pension. In the war department he was connected with the inland harbors department.
Mr. Goodale was fifty-six years of age, a native of Lamar, Colo., whence he came to Reno. He is survived by his widow and one son, Charles Goodale.
________________________Coordinator's note: Per census records, the deceased was born and raised in Madison County.
Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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