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James Wight (1922)


Posted By: Pat Hochstetler (email)
Date: 11/8/2023 at 18:04:36

The Red Oak Express
Red Oak, Iowa
Monday, May 1, 1922
Page 5, Columns 6 & 7


Been Resident of Elliott For Many Years

James Wight, 66 years old, a resident of Elliott since his young manhood days and a pioneer of this county, suddenly died Friday morning.

Death was indirectly caused by his kidney trouble from which he had been a sufferer for over a year.

Friday morning Mr. Wight arose and kindled the fire as usual. Sometime later he was seized with convulsions, to which he was subject at times. He never recovered from the attack. Apparently Mr. Wight had been well as usual. He had been on the streets of Elliott Thursday greeting friends.

For a number of years Mr. Wight had conducted the hotel at Elliott but of late years he had been retired. He leaves his widow, daughter and two sons. The daughter is Mrs. Mildred Hill, wife of Ernest S. Hill, formerly of Atlantic and now of Des Moines. The sons are Jesse of Elliott and Clyde of Henderson. Two daughters, Mrs. Maude Perley, of Griswold, and Mrs. William Hafele of Atlantic, preceded him in death. No funeral arrangements are announced as yet, pending the arrival of his daughter from Des Moines.

Coordinator's note: The deceased was born in Madison County per the 1885 Iowa State Census.


Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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