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Elizabeth E. (Shannon) Harris (1920)


Posted By: Kent Transier
Date: 9/2/2024 at 07:43:09

The Atlantic News Telegraph
Atlantic, Iowa
Friday, February 20, 1920
Page 1, Column 3


Even Relatives Here Did Not Know Of Her Illness. She Died Last Night at Potlatch, Idaho, after Brief Illness.

Like a bolt of lighting from a clear sky came the word of the death last night at Potlatch, Idaho, of Mrs. H. F. Harris, well known Atlantic woman. Death followed a brief Illness with pneumonia, Mrs. Harris went west three months ago to visit her son.

The first intimation relatives here had of Mrs. Harris’ illness came in a message at 2 o’clock this morning to her brother, E. T. Shannon. This message filed at Potlatch at 8:50 last evening, said Mrs. Harris was critically ill with pneumonia. Accompanying this message was another, filed a little later, saying she had passed away at 9:10.

Three months ago Mr. and Mrs. Harris and their daughter, Lela, went west to visit their son and brother, Ralph Harris. They had gone to Potlatch after visiting at Spokane. Relatives here received a message from Mrs. Harris on St. Valentine day. At that time she was in the best of health.

Mrs. Harris was born in Madison county, this state, fifty-one years ago. She came to Cass county with her parents, S. E. and Mary Shannon, in 1880. The family lived for many years on a farm just east of Atlantic. On December 11, 1889, she was married to Mr. Harris. They lived on a farm for a number of years. Recently they made their home in Atlantic.

Besides her husband, son and daughter, Mrs. Harris is survived by her mother, Mrs. Mary E. Shannon of Des Moines, and by nine brothers and sisters. The latter are Mrs. S. H. Kirk of Atlantic, Margaret, Dolly and Jessie Shannon of Des Moines, Hal of Butte, Mont., Sam of Iowa Falls, Tom of Council Bluffs, Henry of Lincoln township and E. T. of Atlantic.

Mrs. Harris is the first of ten children to pass away.

The husband and two children will leave Potlatch at once with the body and are expected to reach Atlantic Monday.

The Atlantic News Telegraph
Atlantic, Iowa
Tuesday, February 24, 1920
Page 7, Column 6

Here For Funeral

Numerous relatives of Mrs. H. F. Harris are here to attend the funeral services which will be held tomorrow. Among them are Mrs. S. E. Shannon of Des Moines, mother of Mrs. Harris; Margaret, Jessie and Dolley Shannon, also of Des Moines, sisters of Mrs. Harris; Sam Shannon of Iowa Falls; Tom Shannon of Council Bluffs and Henry Shannon of Anita, brothers of Mrs. Harris. Another brother, Hal Shannon, of Butte, Mont., is ill at the hospital in his home city and will be unable to be here for the services.

Transcriber's note: First name & initial taken from Cass County Marriage Record.


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