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Ernest O. Conard (1872)


Posted By: Kent Transier
Date: 8/24/2016 at 21:41:08

The Winterset Madisonian
Thursday, December 19, 1872
Page 4, Column 3

Heartrending Calamity

We are pained to learn that a little child of Timothy Conard, who lives a few miles west of town, met with a most terrible death last Monday afternoon. The child, who was aged about two years, was left in the house with a somewhat older boy, while the family were out in the field. The child in some way got so near the fire place that its clothes took fire, and it was literally burned to death. The boy alarmed the family but not in time to save the child. It lingered an hour or two and then died.

Our informant said that it was most terribly burned, all its clothes having been burned off it, except a small portion around the neck. In this fearful calamity, the bereaved parents have the deep sympathy of the entire community.

Transcriber's note: First name taken from gravestone.


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