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Kinsman Dutton Wolfe (1905)


Posted By: Judy Wight Branson
Date: 9/9/2004 at 18:56:43

The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Thursday, February 23, 1905

Rev. Kinsman D. Wolfe, an aged gentleman whose home is in Milo died on Monday at the home of Joseph Kirk in the southeast part of town.

Burial services were held on Tuesday from the Union church in southwest Winterset, at which church the deceased was assisting in a series of meetings. The deceased was the father of Levi Wolfe, of Macksburg.

The Madison County Reporter
Winterset, Iowa
Thursday, February 23, 1905
Page 3


Rev. K. D. Wolf was born in Virginia, August 13th, 1823 and departed this life Feb. 20th, 1905, at Winterset, Iowa, aged 81 years 6 months and 7 days. He was married in Highland county, Ohio, to Margery Courtney and to this union were born four children, three of whom survive him: Levi Wolf, of Macksburg, Ia., John R. Wolf, of Ergentine, Kansas and Mrs. M. A. Alcock, Amana, Ia.

He was converted at the age of eight years and at the age of eighteen years he began his work as a minister for the Church of Christ in Christian Union, which he continued up until the time of his death. He was firm, faithful and true and was always ready to devote his time to his blessed Lord and divine cause. He was known throughout the county and the many adjoining counties for his purity and godliness and loved by every one who knew him.

His dutiful and dear children watched by his bedside with the tenderest love and care, leaving nothing undone that could add to his comfort and after a few day’s of suffering which he bore with great patience, they heavenly chariot swung low and the angels of God came near and carried the immortal spirit to that abode glorified and redeemed from all tears and where we pay the last tribute of respect to the beloved saints, to him the gates of pearl have swung back on their golden hinges, he walks the pearly streets of the Heavenly palace amid the mansions not made with hands, eternal in the Heavens.


Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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