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Sherman Walters (1948)


Posted By: Pat Hochstetler
Date: 6/4/2015 at 11:33:26

The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Wednesday, February 11, 1948
Page 1


Life-Long, Resident of This County Was 76 Years of Age

Sherman Walters, a native of Kentucky, but a resident of Madison county since childhood, died last Friday, Feb. 6 at his home in Winterset. He was 82 years of age and had been in failing health for several years.

Mr. Walters was born Sept. 2, 1865, in Williamsburg, Ky., the son of John and Louisa Walters. When he was a child, he came with his parents to a farm near Winterset.

He was married in 1891 to Phoebe Longinecker whose death occurred in 1903. A son and a daughter also preceded him in death.

Surviving are a son, Glen Walters of Pueblo, Colo.; a daughter, Mrs. Linda Rehard of near Winterset; and three grandchildren.

Funeral services were held Monday from Anderson’s home for funerals, in charge of the Rev. R. E. Langholz, pastor of St. Paul’s Lutheran church. Burial was made in the Hooten cemetery.

Transcriber’s note: Typed as printed in the Winterset Madisonian, wife's maiden name per her father's gravestone is "Longinaker".


Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
WebBBS 4.33 Genealogy Modification Package by WebJourneymen

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