Florence M. (Garrett) Barker (1923)
Posted By: Pat Hochstetler
Date: 11/21/2010 at 14:05:56
The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Thursday, November 1, 1923
Page 1Mrs. Peter N. Barker, who has been ill since last May with a cancer, died Wednesday, Oct. 24th at the Greater Community hospital in Creston at the age of 49 years. Her health has been gradually failing all summer and fall and she has been at the hospital most of the time, but they were unable to cope with her sickness.
She was born in Clarke county, but came with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Garrett to Madison county in 1892 when she was 18 years of age. In 1897 she was married to Peter N. Barker.
She is survived by her husband, one daughter, Mrs. Nina Thomas and an adopted son, Henry Barker of Newport, R. I., and three brothers and one sister.
Funeral services were held at the Macksburg Baptist church Friday afternoon at 2:30 being conducted by Rev. E. E. Hickey, who was assisted by Rev. H. W. Hendricks and Rev. S. H. Williams. A more complete account of Mrs. Barker’s life is given in the obituary, on another page of this issue.
________________________The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Thursday, November 1, 1923
Page 7
MacksburgMrs. P. N. Barker, a former resident of our town, passed away at Creston on Tuesday, Oct. 23. Funeral services were held at the Baptist church Thursday afternoon at 2:30, with interment at Moon cemetery.
________________________The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Thursday, November 1, 1923
Pg 9Florence M. Garrett was born in Clarke county, Iowa, April 17, 1874, the daughter of Charles and Catherine Garrett. She died at the Greater Community hospital in Creston, Oct. 24, 1923, at the age of 49 years.
She was converted and joined the Baptist church at an early age. At the age of 18, her parents moved to Madison county. She then united with the Macksburg Baptist church in 1892. She lived a devoted Christian until her death. She loved her Lord and was interested in the progress of His kingdom. She will be greatly missed by the membership of her church. A sickness, which finally proved fatal, seized her last May, and since that time she has been in declining health. She made a brave fight for life and was very courageous in all her suffering, and did not complain.
She was united in marriage, to Peter N. Barker, July 1, 1897. One child was born to this union. She was preceded to the grave by two sisters, Stella, aged 4 years, and Fanny aged 21 years.
She leaves to mourn her loss, her husband, one daughter, Mrs. Nina Thomas; an adopted son, Henry Barker of Newport, R. I.; and three brothers and one sister: W. G. Garrett of Oskaloosa, Charles Garrett of Macksburg, Harley C. Garrett of St. Charles and Mrs. William Iiams, of Macksburg; also a host of other relatives and many friends who mourn her loss.
Funeral services were conducted by Rev. E. E. Hickey, pastor of the Macksburg Baptist church. He was assisted by Rev. H. W. Henricks and Rev. S. H. Williams, pastor of the Evangelical church of Afton. Burial was made in the Macksburg cemetery.
Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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