Harlan E. Bond (1900)
Posted By: Pat Hochstetler
Date: 8/10/2009 at 08:59:08
The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Thursday, November 1, 1900
Harlan Bond, of Jackson Township, Found Dead in a Barn.
Justice of the Peace, Thos. Aitchison, Acting as Coroner, Summons a Jury Who Say His Death was Accidental.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bond and family live two miles southeast of Pitzer, in Jackson township. On Monday morning, after chores, Mr. Bond and the two younger boys went to the house for breakfast, and discovered that Harlie, the oldest boy, had not come in from chores. Smoke was seen coming from the cow barn, and the young man was found lying dead in the barn from a bullet wound in the abdomen. The revolver had a broken hammer, and it was supposed that in trying to cock it, it was accidentally discharged. The powder set fire to his clothing and when discovered his clothing was partially burned.
The jury decided that he came to his death by accident, but later a note was found on his body saying he was going to leave this world and requested that he be buried in the Penn Center cemetery.
He was about 22 years of age, and had suffered since birth from paralysis. Mr. and Mrs. Bond are well to do, highly respected citizens and the sympathy of a large circle of friends will go out to them in their great bereavement.
________________________Winterset Reporter
Winterset, Iowa
Thursday, November 1, 1900
Page 1Pitzer
Harlie, the oldest son of Frank Bond was found dead Monday morning.
________________________Winterset Reporter
Winterset, Iowa
Thursday, November 1, 1900
Harley Bond Found Dead in a Cow Barn. Shot Through the Abdomen.
Monday morning while the family of Frank Bond, living one mile south and half a mile east of Pitzer, were at breakfast they smelled smoke. An investigation showed that the smoke proceeded from the interior of the cow barn and further examination disclosed the body of the eldest son, Harley, lying face downward, dead, and his clothes burning. He had a revolver in his hands and was shot through the abdomen, the weapon having been held so close to the body as to set the clothing on fire.
The deceased was about 22 years of age and was a paralytic cripple. He had appeared gloomy and morose in the morning but the family thought nothing of it. He had gone up stairs for a short time and then passed out to the cow barn the family thinking he had gone to attend to some chores. No shot was heard and the smell of smoke from his burning clothing was the first indication of any thing wrong. The weapon was an old one and the cylinder was not in it where it lay in the trunk up stairs. It was at first thought that in trying to fix the old weapon he had held it against his body and discharged it accidentally but later a note was found written by the deceased in which he stated his intention to destroy himself. This note requested that his body be interred at Penn Center and that the service be conducted by Rev. R. L. Finney of Pitzer.
The note also contained The Lord’s Prayer and the expressed belief of the deceased that he was going to Heaven. It is probable that the cause of the suicide was brooding over his physical afflictions.
The funeral was held at the home Wednesday morning at 10 o’clock.
Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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