Clara Belle (Evans) Carver (1913)
Posted By: Mary Welty Hart
Date: 2/7/2009 at 18:44:56
The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Wednesday, March 5, 1913Peru News Item
One of the saddest deaths that has occurred in Peru for many years was that of Mrs. J. W. Carver, who died from ptomaine poisoning, Feb. 26th, 1913, after eight days of intense suffering. "Tis sad to look on the pale, cold face of our loved once at all times, but in this it seems doubly sad, for just eight weeks since, she came to to the home prepared by her husband, a happy, joyous bride and they were looking forward to many years of happy and useful life.
Drs. Skinner of Winterset, Freel of Murray, Anderson of St. Charles and Ayers of Lorimor, were called, but death won the victory. Dr. Will Carver of Ft. Dodge and the mother and brother in law and sisters of Mrs. Carver were at the home when the final summons came.
Short funeral services were held at the M. E. church, conducted by Rev. Brewer. A large concourse of friends came from all parts, and the church was filled to overflowing. On Friday morning the body was taken to the parental home at Dedham, to be laid to rest with other loved ones.
________________________The Winterset Reporter
Winterset, Iowa
Wednesday, March 5, 1913
Page 5One of the saddest deaths that has occurred in this vicinity was that of Mrs. Dr. J. W. Carver, who died at her home in Peru Wednesday, Feb. 26, of ptomaine poisoning. Mrs. Carver was born in Carroll county, Iowa, Sept. 14, 1891 and had spent most of her life in that county.
She was married to Dr. Carver on New Years day. Little did that happy group that were present at the wedding think that in eight short weeks they would be called to say goodbye in this world to this happy bride. Dr. Carver has the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community in his sad bereavement.
_______________________The Winterset Reporter
Winterset, Iowa
Wednesday, March 5, 1913
Page 6East Peru
Mrs. Dr. Carver died Wednesday of ptomaine poisoning. The funeral was held at the M.E. church Thursday, Rev. Brewer officiating. The remains were taken to Dedham for burial.
________________________The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Wednesday, March 5, 1913
Page 5Clara Belle Evans was born in Dedham, Carroll county, Iowa, Sept. 14, 1891. Se passed away in Peru, Iowa dying of ptomaine poisoning Feb. 26, 1913, aged 21 years, 5 months and 12 days. She spent most of her life in Carroll county, Iowa.
She was converted and joined the M.E. church, at fifteen years of age. She has always lived an earnest, consistent, Christian life. She was born and reared in a Christian home.
Just New Year’s day, she was united in matrimony to Dr. J. Wesley Carver. Little did that happy group who were present at the wedding think that in eight short weeks they would be called to say goodbye in this world to this happy bride. It is always a pleasure to speak or write of the marriage of worthy people and especially so of a union of hearts as on New Year’s day, where there was every promise of a happy and useful life. But it is sad indeed to be called so soon to mourn the loss of one so true, so worthy, and so well beloved by all who knew her.
She leaves to mourn her loss a father, mother, three sisters and two brothers: Morgan Evans of Dedham, Mrs. Arthur Jones of Truro, Jennie Evans of Dedham, Mrs. Frank Wilson of Manning; Tom Evans of Norfolk, Nebraska. Two brothers preceded her to the better world. She also leaves the dearest of all to her, a lonely, Christian husband, to whom she spoke the last conscious words of her life shortly before she breathed her last, she spoke to her husband, saying: “Do you love me?” “Of course I do”, he said. “Well be good and meet me in Heaven. Tell all the friends goodbye”. She expressed a longing desire to live and enjoy her home. So we are bereft of a friend, a sister, a flower of earth World. We will have to say goodbye, gone to be an angel in the Glory for a while, but he hope to meet again beyond this world of sorrow, of toil and suffering, and disappointment. We can go to her, but she cannot return to us. Be true brave hearts, and some glad morning there will be another meeting on that beautiful shore where we shall part no more.
Audobon County Journal
Exira, Iowa
Thursday, March 20, 1913
Page 3Sad Death
Clara Belle Evans was born near Dedham, Iowa, September 14, 1891, and died of ptomaine poisoning on Feb. 26, 1913, at her home in Peru, Iowa at the age of 21 years, 5 months and 12 days.She was a graduate of Dedham High School, a social and religious worker, Epworth League and Sunday School. She was married to Dr. J. W. Carver of East Peru, Iowa, at the home of her sister, Mrs. Frank Wilson at Manning on January 1, 1913.
The remains were interred at Hillside cemetery, Dedham, on February 28, Rev. Strod and Scroggan in charge.
Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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