Robert T. Gilliam (1896)
Posted By: Pat Hochstetler
Date: 7/21/2008 at 16:27:30
Winterset Reporter
Winterset, Iowa
Thursday, January 7, 1897
Page 5Died.—R. T. Gillan, of Walnut township, December 28th. No particulars at hand.
________________________The Winterset News
Winterset, Iowa
Friday, January 8, 1897
Page 5, Column 3Obituary
Died, Robert L. Gilliam, East Peru, Iowa, December 28, 1896.
Robert L. Gilliam was born in Grayson county, Virginia, May 14, 1821. When small he moved to West Virginia and when 14 years of age he came to Fayette county, Ohio, on July 16, 1847. He was joined in marriage to Catherine Draper in Fayette county, Ohio in 1853.
He, with his wife, moved to Madison county, Iowa, near East Peru. Iowa is where they have lived until death separated them. There were 11 children born unto them of which nine are living, yet four were at his side at death. The other five were absent and did not get there.
He was about 50 years old and told his friends he was ready to die and go home above where sickness never comes. His illness was severe here lasting about 10 months. Heart trouble was the trouble.
________________________Coordinator's note: Transcribed as published, middle initial per the gravestone is "T".
Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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