Mary (Forbes) Webb (1896)
Posted By: Pat Hochstetler
Date: 6/4/2008 at 09:42:18
Semi Weekly Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Tuesday, January 5, 1897Obituary
Died.—Wednesday, December 30th, Mrs. J. A. Webb, in the 41st year of her age.
Mary Forbes Webb was born at Cadiz, Harrison county, Ohio, February 12th, 1856. Her early childhood was spent in Ohio. When a young girl her parents removed to Bloomington, McLean county, Illinois, where she grew up to womanhood. She was married to John A. Webb, October 1st, 1876, who, with three children, Edie, 16; Gertie, 13, and Carl, 10, survive her.
Though the family have resided in Madison county only a few years, yet they have gained the universal respect of their large circle of friends and acquaintances. At the age of 16 years Mrs. Webb professed Christ and united with the church, and has ever been a loyal and consistent member until death claimed her for the grave, her soul to return to God who gave it.
Mrs. Webb was a daughter of Mr. Boyd Forbes, of this city, whose wife preceded the daughter to the grave only about four years ago.
Her brothers John F. and William A. Forbes, of Douglas township, are highly respected citizens, and their adopted sister Lizzie, remains in the old home and mourns her loss with the aged father.
Her death was very sudden and unexpected. It was a terrific shock to every one. She had arranged to have a family reunion on New Year’s day at their pleasant home, and her last words to her father were to kindly urge him to be present.
On Wednesday evening about six o’clock, she was engaged in her household duties, when she was stricken with paralysis, and died at nine p.m. She never spoke after the summons from her Master came. Her first words will be recorded in eternity. The funeral, which was a most sad one, was conducted by her pastor, Rev. J. M. Acheson.
Mrs. Webb was a woman who had given her life most devotedly to her home. She was her household’s most cherished counselor, her children’s best friend. She was quiet and unassuming in her mannerism, kind and gentle in all her actions.
She was a woman above the average in intelligence, a real mother—one of “God’s noble women.” Her loss will be felt by all her friends, but especially by her husband and family.
We delight to say that the bereaved family have the sympathy of the entire community. A sadder death it has seldom been our duty to record.
________________________Semi Weekly Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Friday, January 8, 1897
Page 3Douglas Township
Mrs. John Webb died Wednesday, December 30th, of paralysis. The services were held New Years day at the U. P. church, in Winterset, conducted by Rev. Acheson. Mr. Webb and family have only been in our neighborhood about three years, but have made many warm friends, who will unite with us in expressing heartfelt sympathy for the bereaved family.
________________________Winterset Reporter
Winterset, Iowa
Thursday, January 7, 1897
Page 5Obituary
Died, Wednesday, December 30th, 1896, Mrs. J. A. Webb, in the 41st year of her age. Mary Forbes Webb was born at Cadiz, Harrison county, Ohio, February 12th, 1856. Her early childhood was spent in Ohio. When a young girl she removed with her parents to Bloomington, Illinois, where she grew to womanhood.
She was married to John A. Webb, October 1st, 1876, who with three children, Edie, 16; Gertie, 13; and Carl, 11 survive her. The family have resided in Madison county only a few years, yet they have gained the universal respect of a large circle of friends.
At the age of 16 years Mrs. Webb professed Christ and united with the church and lived a consistent member until death.
Mrs. Webb was the daughter of Mr. Boyd Forbes, of this city, whose wife preceded their daughter to the grave about four years. Her brothers, J. F. and W. A. Forbes, are highly respected citizens of Douglas township, and their adopted sister, Lizzie, remains in the old home and mourns her loss with the aged father. Her death was very sudden. She had arranged to have a family reunion on New Year’s Day and her last words to her father was to urge him to be present. On Wednesday evening, about six o’clock, she was engaged in her household duties when she was stricken with paralysis and died at nine p.m. She never spoke after the summons, her first words will be recorded in eternity. Her arms were folded in peaceful rest and her silent lips will speak forever the memory of her womanly and Christian influence in her home. The funeral was conducted by her pastor, Rev. J. M. Acheson.
It was a sad New Year’s Day to her family and friends, from an earthly point of view, yet her New Year’s gift was Heaven. We have an abiding hope that a golden crown, a harp of gold and a robe spotless white shall be hers in glory.
Mrs. Webb was a woman who has given her life most devotedly to her home. She has been her husband’s most cherished counselor and her children’s best friend. She was quiet and unassuming in her manners, kind and gentle in all her actions. She was a woman above the average in intelligence, a real mother, one of “God’s noble women.” Her loss will be felt by all her friends, but more especially by her husband and family.
Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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