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Samuel Picken (1899)


Posted By: Mary Welty Hart (email)
Date: 2/16/2008 at 22:01:49

Winterset Madisonian, Winterset, Iowa
March 15, 1899

Saint Charles News


Mr. Samuel Pickens, of this city died at his home on Saturday morning, which act came as a flash from clear sky to his family, friends and neighbors. He was a rugged appearing, active, cheerful gentleman, past middle age (about 52) and to his acquaintances, seemed to be certain to enjoy many more years of life and good health.

On the day and evening before, he was moving about as usual, attending to business, doing the customary amount of work, pleasantly greeting his friends and acquaintances and showing no symptoms of failing health or approaching dissolution. His changed condition was first observed when his son called him to get up and partake of the breakfast then in readiness for the family. In answer to his son he said he did not feel well and would like a drink of water, which was promptly furnished him; when on making an effort to drink he was discovered to be in a dying condition, and death ensued before medical aid could be obtained. His death is attributed to lung trouble and heart failure.

Funeral on Monday from the United Presbyterian church, services conducted by Rev. Duncan, of Pennsylvania, who was here to fill an appointment in the above named church, of which the deceased was a most exemplary and consistent member.

Mr. Pickens was a native of Ireland, an honorable and upright gentleman, a true friend, an excellent neighbor and a man intensely loyal to his family, his friends, his church and to the land of his adoption.

Four sons, two daughters, two sisters, two brothers, many other relatives and a legion of friends are thus bereft of one whose place cannot be refilled. It is,however, a consoling fact which deprives the sorrow of his friends of its keenest edge, that the life, words and deeds of this excellent man were of the kind that ensures a blissful future in that haven and rest prepared for and awaiting the faithful. The young people so suddenly deprised of the watchful care of an only parent, their mother having preceded the father a number of years, have the undivided sympathy of the community, and the good people who surround them will do all in their power to sustain them in their great and sudden loss.

Note: Gravestone indicates last name is "Picken".

Gravestone Photo

Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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