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Thomas Barton Chilcote (1919)


Posted By: Mary Welty Hart
Date: 12/31/2007 at 20:07:35

The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Wednesday, February 12, 1919
Page 6


Thomas Barton Chilcote was born in Jefferson county, Ia, Oct. 11, 1844 and died from heart trouble and pneumonia Jan. 22, 1919, age 74 years, 3 months and 11 days.

He was married to Heloise R. Leach, May 30, 1865. To this union were born seven children, all of whom are living. His beloved wife preceded him to the better land Oct. 19, 1913.

Seven years ago he moved from Winterset, Iowa, to his late home near Divide, Wyo. He was always devoted to his family and to each of them his memory will be a priceless heritage. As a citizen and neighbor he had the confidence and respect of all who knew him. He left the evidence behind that death had no terror for him, he had made his peace with God and was going to join his companion, who was waiting for him on the other shore. His going has left a void that only God can fill, but we know that our loss is his eternal gain.

The funeral was held from the home Jan. 25th and was in charge of Rev. J. A. Campbell of Guernsey, Wyo. The remains were laid to rest in the Hicks cemetery.

He leaves to mourn his loss, one sister of Arnold, Nebr.; five daughters, two sons, 25 grand children and 9 great grand children and other relatives, Mrs. Inez Wells, Moline, Ill; Mrs. Callie Loehr, Hillsdale, Wyo.; LeRoy Chilcote, Wauneta Wyo.; Allison Chilcote, Divide, Wyo.; Mrs. Lottie Norris, Divide, Wyo.; Mrs. Edna Poindexter, Medicine Bow, Wyo.; Mrs. Myrtle Bertholf, Burns, Wo. All were present at the funeral. A large company of friends and neighbors were present and mingled their tears with the sorrowing relatives.


Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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