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Mary Ann (Zearing) Mitchell (1890)


Posted By: Pat Hochstetler
Date: 12/17/2007 at 09:24:57

Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Friday, September 19, 1890
Page 5


Died, Sept. 13th, 1890, Mrs. Mary Ann Zearing Mitchell. The deceased was born in Dauphin county, Pa., Nov. 25th, 1824; was married to M. N. Mitchell, of Dauphin county, Pa., (who still survives her), March 20th, 1845. Removed to Madison county, Iowa, in the spring of 1860.

She was the mother of nine children, all of whom were born in Pennsylvania, three of whom have gone before her to that better home. One a little girl of three lies in the Halifax cemetery in Pennsylvania. One, a young woman of 22 years (Lizzie), is buried in the Roberts’ graveyard in Madison county, Iowa. The other one married and removed to Topeka, Kan., where she died and was buried. Of those that survive her, one daughter and one son are in California. The other two sons (twins), and two daughters, are in Iowa.

Mrs. Mitchell joined the M. E. Church in 1844, and remained a faithful member till the time of her death. In January 1882 she had a light stroke of paralysis; on the 30th day of May, following, she had another shock, which deprived her of the use of her right arm and leg. She never recovered entirely from this shock. She received another light shock in the summer of ‘84 from which she recovered. She had another in the fall of ‘86, and still another on January 3d, 1890. From the date of her last stroke till the time of her death she was entirely helpless, not even being able to put her food to her mouth; but still able to talk. But in all her affliction she never lost sight of her Savior. She talked of him and her home in heaven constantly. The last words she said were: “His ways are ways of pleasantness and all his paths are peace.”

Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Friday September 19, 1890
Page 5

Webster Welfare

The funeral service of Mrs. Mitchell, wife of N. M. Mitchell, was held at Webster on Monday, the 5th inst.


Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
WebBBS 4.33 Genealogy Modification Package by WebJourneymen

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