Elmer Ellsworth Garrison (1915)
Posted By: Kent Transier
Date: 7/29/2007 at 22:50:31
The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Wednesday, July 21, 1915
Page 1Death of E. E. Garrison
E. E. Garrison, manager of the Des Moines Ice Co., at this place, died suddenly at the Methodist hospital in Des Moines last Thursday morning. He was taken to Des Moines Monday and underwent an operation on Tuesday for gall stones. The operation discovered an abscess on the liver. The body was brought back here Thursday and funeral services held on Saturday afternoon from the Baptist church. Besides his widowed mother, he leaves a wife, three children, one brother and one sister.
_______________________The Winterset News
Winterset, Iowa
Wednesday, July 21, 1915
Page 1, Column 5E. E. Garrison Dead
Elmer Ellsworth Garrison was born August 24, 1881 in Winterset and died July 15 at Mercy hospital in Des Moines. He was taken sick Friday, July 9 and was taken to the hospital Monday, July 12.
He was married to Ella Morning, October 19, 1912, and made their home in Des Moines until May 2, 1914 when they moved to Winterset. To this union was born one child, a son, Leroy Ellsworth, June 22, 1914.
He leaves to mourn his loss, the wife, little son, two step children, Ralph Lamey, age 13, Bertha Lamey, age 8, mother, one sister, and on brother.
The funeral services were conducted Saturday afternoon at one o’clock at the Baptist church by Rev. Donovan. Interment in Rock City cemetery.
Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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