Charles Frederick Koehler (1930)
Posted By: Linda Brittain
Date: 5/20/2007 at 19:09:04
The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Thursday, January 23, 1930
Page 1Death of Charles Koehler
Charles Frederick Koehler, a former resident of Union township, died Tuesday, January 7th, at his home in Hollywood, California, at the age of 86 years. Mr. Koehler had not been ill, but shortly before retiring Tuesday evening, remarked that he did not feel well, to his daughter, Mrs. Nora Banker, with whom he made his home. Heart trouble caused his death, while he was sleeping.
The Koehlers came to this county from Ohio, in March 1874, 56 years ago, and located on a farm in Penn township. One year later they moved to the homestead in Union township, where they resided until Mr. Koehler left this county 28 years ago.
Mr. Koehler took an active interest in the affairs of Madison county, in addition to being a progressive farmer, and served for four years as county treasurer. After that he owned an implement store here, several years. Services were conducted by Hollywood Lodge, A. F. and A. M., at two o’clock, Friday, January 10th, at the Gates, Crane & Earl funeral chapel in Hollywood, and burial was in the Hollywood cemetery.
It is stated that Mr. Koehler was a member of the first library board in Hollywood, and a live oak tree, planted in his honor more than a decade ago, still stands in front of the Hollywood library. Mr. Koehler was one of the oldest Masons in point of services in California, and was to have been presented this winter, with an emblem commemorating half a century of Masonic service. He became a master Mason November 3, 1865, in the lodge at Millersburg, Ohio, and was a past master of the Winterset Evening Star lodge. He was a charter member of the Hollywood chapter and was senior steward of the lodge in the first year of its organization.
Mr. Koehler is survived by nine children: Selwyn Koehler, of Winterset; Mrs. E. W. Forster, of Des Moines; Mrs. B. D. Kavanaugh, Mrs. Nora Banker, Mrs. Fausta Splane, and Mrs. Adam J. Walsh of Hollywood; Volta Koehler and Mostyn Koehler, both of Anaheim and Charles, of Long Beach. One son, Otto, and the mother, has preceded him in death.
Mr. Koehler had many acquaintances in Madison county, and returned to this county for several visits. His last visit here was in 1927, when he spent several months with relatives and friends. He remained here for the Old Settlers picnic, and saw many former acquaintances.
In the 70th anniversary edition of the Madisonian, published November 4, 1926, Mr. Koehler had a long article on the “Development of Farm Lands in Madison County,” recalling scenes when he moved to this county and there were only a few houses on the prairies. He stated: “Now to sum it all up, what do I see in the sixty years of experience and observation. This wonderful land of Madison county once bought at six dollars an acre, and I have, in this brief time, seen some of it sell for nearly four hundred dollars an acre. This raw prairie covered with grass and wild flowers, the natural home of birds, now cultivated as it never has been before. The breaking plow with the five span of oxen, turning a thirty inch furrow; then the horse with twelve to fourteen inch breaking plow; then the riding plow, gang plow, now superseded by the tractor.”
________________________Dexter Library Obituary Collection
Dexter, Iowa
January 1930Former Resident Dies in California
Charles Koehler, father of Selwyn Koehler and for many years a resident of Madison county, died Tuesday night at the home of a daughter in Hollywood. He was 87 years old.
Charles Koehler was for many years, a resident of Penn township. He was elected treasurer of Madison county in 1883 and held office for two or three terms. The family lived on the farm two miles north of Winterset. Going out of office, Mr. Koehler and his deputy, Walter Rhyno, bought Hedges Implement business and conducted it for several years. While he lived here he was one of the most influential and popular citizens the county had. He took his family to California years ago and in spite of his advanced years, he was a successful carpenter and contractor. Selwyn Koehler lived here. Two of his daughters, Mrs. Ed Forster and Mrs. Adam Walsh live in Des Moines.
________________________The Courier-Crescent
Orrville, Ohio
Friday, January 17, 1930
Funeral services for Charles F. Koehler, 86, a resident of Hollywood for the past 28 years, and a Mason for 65 years, who died Tuesday at his home, 6036 Carlton Way, will be held tomorrow at 2 p.m., from the Chapel of Gates, Crane & Earl, 1724 North Highland Ave. Interment will be in Hollywood cemetery.
Mr. Koehler was born in Millersburg, Ohio, July 29, 1843. He was made a Master Mason Nov. 3, 1865, and was a charter member of Hollywood Lodge, No. 355, F. & A. M., and served as senior steward the first year. He was about to be presented with a gold button awarded to 50 years membership service.
Mr. Koehler was a past Master of Evening Star Lodge, No. 43, Winterset, Iowa. He is survived by nine children, all residing in the West. —Hollywood Citizen, Jan. 9, 1930.
Mrs. Koehler is a sister of E. F. Snyder, of this city, and was known in Holmes county as Miss Nancy Snyder. The Koehler family formerly resided in Millersburg, but thirty years ago moved to the West, where they have since resided.
Mr. Koehler visited Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Snyder last fall, and was very active for his years.
Coordinator's note: Kavanaugh was also spelled Cavanaugh
Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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