Achsa May (Feeley) Harrell (1939)
Posted By: Pat Hochstetler
Date: 3/10/2007 at 14:46:26
The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Wednesday, December 6, 1939MRS. ACHSA HARRELL DIES
Former Local Resident Passes at Home of Daughter in Nebraska
Mrs. Achsa Harrell, former Madison county resident, died Tuesday, Nov. 28th, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Clarke Ryan, near Hansen, Neb., after an extended illness. Mrs. Harrell was 74 years of age, and had been ill with arthritis for several years.
Mrs. Harrell, who was the former Achsa May Feeley, daughter of Thomas and Rose Ann Feeley, was born June 9, 1865, in Marion county, Iowa, but came to Madison county when she was a child. Here she grew to womanhood, and taught in the rural schools of this county. She was married to William C. Harrell, fifty-three years ago, and they moved to Nebraska, where they had since resided. Mr. Harrell died this summer.
Funeral services were held at the Hansen Presbyterian church, Friday, Dec. 1, at 10:30 o'clock, and burial was made in the Cedarview cemetery, near Doniphan, Nebraska.
Besides the daughter, Mrs. Ryan, Mrs. Harrell was survived by James F. Heath of Pueblo, Colo., who grew to manhood in the Harrell home, and one sister Mrs. Myrtle Orr of Winterset.
Mrs. Orr went to Nebraska Sunday Nov. 26 to be with her sister, and remained in Hansen until after the funeral services, returning to Winterset last Sunday.
Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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