Mahala (Needs) Benge (1916)
Posted By: Treva Patterson
Date: 3/1/2007 at 16:17:52
The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Wednesday, May 17, 1916Mrs. Mahala Benge
Mrs. Mahala Benge, wife of John E. Benge, was born at Erwin, South Wales, Feb. 21, 1858. In 1873 her parents came to this country and settled in Madison county, Iowa. In 1877 she was married to J. E. Benge. To this union were born three children; Nina, wife of A. A. Paisley, now residing at Spokane, Wash.; Albert, associated with his father in the business; and Faith, the wife of Roy King, also resident at Winterset.
To no small degree Mr. Benge's business is due to the resourceful economy and self-sacrificing sympathy of his devoted wife. For even after success had made possible the more luxurious comforts of our modern life, the frugal habits of years but slowly yielded their supremacy over her life. Her early interest in religion had been greatly revived of late through the influence of a neighborhood Bible class, and had she lived, she had intended to unite with the church.
Many shall miss these familiar faces, whose lives had been built into the structure of the commonwealth they had been united to and whose simple life, sturdy independence and rational economy constitute an enduring contribution to the generation following.
_______________________Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Wednesday, May 17, 1916
Page 8, Column 2Kills Wife and Suicides
A deep gloom was cast over our little city last Thursday when the news was circulated that Jno. E. Benge had killed his wife and then killed himself. The tragedy occurred about 11 o'clock Wednesday night. Mrs. Benge had retired and was, in all probability, shot while she was asleep, as her body in her night clothes was found lying upon the bed with a bullet wound through her right eye. Her husband's body was found lying on the floor, also a bullet hole near his right eye with a 32-caliber revolver grasped in his left hand.
There bodies were found at noon Thursday by their son, Albert, who went to the home to find out why his father had not come to the store.
The murder and suicide shocked Winterset as nothing has for years. Mr. and Mrs. Benge have been prominent in business and social life here for many years. In 1882 Mr Benge, with his brother, A. M., established their hardware store, the largest and best stocked store in Madison county. In 1904 A. M. retired from the business and it has since been operated by J. E. and his son, Albert.
The direct cause of the double tragedy will probably never be known. Some are prone to ascribe it to family troubles, while others, however, believe that Mr. Benge's health had caused him to become despondent, as he was afflicted with kidney trouble and had been for some years.
Mr. and Mrs. Benge had been married about forty years. He was in his 65th year and she was about 58 years of age.
Mr. Benge was a democrat and for two years served as member of the city council. He was also a member of the Odd Fellows lodge of Winterset.
To no small degree Mr. Benge's business is due to the resourceful economy and self sacrificing sympathy of his devoted wife. For even after success had made possible the more luxurious comforts of our modern life, the frugal habits of years but slowly yielded their supremacy over her life.
Many shall miss these familiar faces whose lives had been built into the structure of the commonwealth they had been united to and whose simple life, sturdy independence and rational economy constitute an enduring contribution to the generation following.
John E. Benge was born in Madison county, Indiana, Sept. 3, 1851, his parents being Alfred and Margaret (Banks) Benge. Mr. Benge came to Madison county with his parents in 1855 and settled in what is now Scott township, where he spent his youthful days. At the age of twenty he began working in a tin shop, which position he held for ten years. He then embarked in the hardware business with his brother, A. M., which business he has successfully managed ever since.
On May 23, 1877 he was united in marriage to Miss Mahala Needs, a native of Wales, and a daughter of John and Elizabeth (Arden) Needs, who came to Madison county in 1873, spending their remaining days here. Mrs. Benge was reared and educated in this county.
Mr. and Mrs. Benge were the parents of three children: Mrs. Nina Paisly, of Spokane, Wash.; Albert, who works in the hardware store, and Faith, the wife of Roy King, of Winterset.
The funeral occurred from the home Sunday afternoon at 2:30, conducted by Rev. Frederick Donovan, and the bodies laid to rest in the Rock City cemetery, where the Odd Fellows lodge conducted services.
Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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