Grace Simmons Pinckney
Posted By: Mary Welty Hart (email)
Date: 7/29/2006 at 15:36:57
Winterset Madisonian, Winterset, Iowa
August 24, 1949MRS. GRACE PINCKNEY, Killed In Fall Visiting Daughter
Mrs. Grace Pinckney, long-time resident of the Macksburg community, was instantly killed Monday, Aug. 22, 1949, in a fall on the stairs at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Blanche Reichardt of Milford, Mich. Mrs. Pinckney was visiting at her daughter's home when the accident occurred.
Mrs. Pinckney was 65 years of age. She was born April 10, 1884, the daughter of Charles and Blanche Simmons. She was married to George Pinckney in 1904, and they had always made their home on a farm northeast of Macksburg. She was a life-long member of the Baptist church.
Surviving are her husband; three sons, Ralph Pinckney of Winterset, Leonard Pinckney of Cedar Rapids and Frank Pinckney of Macksburg; three daughters, Mrs. Fern Lawless of Macksburg, Mrs. Reichardt of Milford, Mich., and Mrs. Myrtle Mosby of Creston; and a brother, Clarke Simmons of Winterset. She also left 18 grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held this Thursday at 2 p.m. from the Macksburg Baptist church, in charge of the pastor, the Rev. W. A. Caldwell. Burial will be made in the Moon cemetery.
Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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