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Dorothy Belle Huglin (1931)


Posted By: Linda Brittain
Date: 6/15/2006 at 14:21:37

The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Thursday, September 17, 1931
Page 1

Death of Dorothy Belle Huglin

Dorothy Belle Huglin, thirteen year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Huglin of St. Charles, died at the Mercy hospital in Des Moines Monday, September 14th, after a short illness. She was taken critically ill last Thursday and was rushed to the Mercy hospital and an appendicitis operation was performed. The appendix had ruptured and gangrene developed.

The little girl has been a correspondent for the Madisonian from the Viney district. She had just entered the freshman class of the St. Charles high school, last week. She is survived by her parents, and a brother Dale.

Her funeral services were held at the Methodist church in St. Charles Wednesday, September 16, at 2 o’clock. More details of her life will be given next week.

Those driving from Winterset to attend the funeral were Miss Hertha Gaekle, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Gaekle, Mrs. Jim Luke, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Picken, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stark and Edwin Simpson.

The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Thursday, September 24, 1931
Page 5

Dorothy Belle Huglin

Dorothy Belle, only daughter of Fred and Mable Huglin, was born near Wick, Iowa, October 19, 1918, and passed away at the Mercy Hospital in Des Moines, September 14, 1931, aged 12 years, 10 months and 14 days. She was a member of the Methodist church at St. Charles, and a cheerful little helper in the Sunday school and Queen Esther Circle of which she spoke in her last illness.

She was a Freshman in High school and her great desire was to finish her education and become a useful member of society. She was lovable, sweet, courteous and kind to every one during life and even while suffering intensely her thoughts were all for others; mentioning all her playmates and loved ones, trying to comfort those who stood by her bedside during her illness. She loved the pure, the good, the beautiful and was kind to all living creatures.

Funeral services were held Wednesday at the St. Charles Methodist church of which she was a member.

The services were conducted by Rev. F. C. McCallon, of the Osceola Church of Christ, an old-time friend of the family. The high school, both teachers and pupils attended the services. Six of Dorothy’s boy schoolmates acted as pallbearers, with six of her girl classmates as honorary pallbearers. Relatives and friends from far and near came to pay the last tribute of respect to one who was liked by all who knew her. Interment was made in the cemetery northwest of St. Charles.


Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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