Re: location of church
Posted By: joan dinnel (email) In Response To: location of church (Lola Weber)
Date: 12/28/2017 at 20:39:21
you can also do a search for zion evangical chuch naioonal archive. I know ther is a zion lutherann archives up by chicago as I rented microfilm from them. I'm historian for my church and I contactd the natinal archive for it and they sent me lot of informaion. but you might have to check with a library ineach county to see if there was an evngical church at one time. check out the usgenweb site for each county as they may hae a listing of all the churches for that area. I found churc records for two other churches in anold book tha is not on our usgenweb site. we had no organize history room until I took oer as historican do asearch for the zion eangical churches in the areas you think they may have been. not sure if state istorical libray in des moines and iowa city would have records for old churches or not in the area. don't think you will find a listing in a ounty unless you know what area of thaa countythey might have been in
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