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Rathje enlists generals in bid for 2nd District 2010


Posted By: Mistina Christner (email)
Date: 6/28/2018 at 11:11:16

Source: The Hawkeye Burlington, IA 5/7/2010

Rathje enlists generals in bid for 2nd District
Candidate, supporters give thoughts on war, gays in military, immigration.
By Jeff Abell

Accompanied by two retired military generals Thursday, Cedar Rapids businessman Steve Rathje took on President Barack Obama on policies, foreign and domestic.
He also made the case against the man he hopes to challenge in the November general election, U.S. Rep. Dave Loebsack, D-2nd District.
But first, the 2nd District congressional candidate has to defeat Mariannette Miller-Meeks, Rob Gettemy and Christopher Reed in the June 8 primary.
"I know what the issues are and what needs to be done. We have had wishy-washy politicians in Washington for as long as I can remember, and it has to stop," he said.
During Thursday's interview at The Hawk Eye, Rathje, 54, deferred to his traveling companions to discuss what he described as military failures in Afghanistan.
U.S. Army Maj. General Paul Vallely, a senior military analyst for Fox News, and U.S. Air Force General Jim Cash, both of whom retired in the early 1990's, agreed current military strategies should be scrapped to bring about a successful conclusion to the nearly nine-year war in Afghanistan.
Cash called Afghanistan Obama's war.
He added the Democratic president has embraced the war in order to move away from the previous administration's military actions in Iraq, which he opposed as a senator and presidential candidate.
"We have a very naive and immature president. You cannot appease in the Middle East and think you're going to achieve victory. You can only achieve success through force," he said.
Vallely added: "You can't try to build up a country from the ground up and at the same time fight a war. That is what they continue to try to do, and it never works."
Rathje said he does not support a policy of nation building in the Middle East.
He added: "Afghanistan has been a mess from the word go. At this point, I don't see a winnable solution. That is unless we can elect people who can do what is necessary to win so our troops come home victorious."
Concerning the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Rathje said a 2007 surge in troops was successful in creating stability in the country. However, he said, recent efforts to reduce troop levels in Iraq "before the region is secure will embolden our enemies."

Iran's Nuclear Program

This week, the United States and other members of the U.N. Security Council are debating sanctions against Iran regarding its nuclear program.
The U.S. and some of its allies have argued sanctions are necessary to stop Iran's nuclear program, which they contend is aimed at producing a bomb. Iran says its program is for peaceful purposes.
"Iran is the biggest threat to stability in the Middle East. It will take more than sanctions to deal with this threat," Vallely said.
Rathje agreed, saying, the ultimate goal of the country's nuclear program is to "wipe Israel off the face of the Earth."
"That is their whole point. It's a serious threat, and we need to take it seriously. We can look at the political side of it all we want, but right now there is a physical threat not only to Israel but to the United States," he said.

Don't ask, Don't tell

Obama has said the 1993 law, known as "Don't ask, Don't tell," unfairly punishes patriotic Americans and asked Congress to repeal it. The law prohibits gays from serving openly in the military.
Gay rights advocates have gone a step further and called for an immediate freeze on military firings of openly gay service members.
Rathje said he doesn't support the policy. Rather, he said he prefers a return to a more strict code of conduct.
"This is not just a morality issue but a morale issue," he said.
Vallely and Cash echoed that sentiment.
"We need to let our troops know they're supported 100 percent. Our troops shouldn't have to worry about the person in the foxhole with them," Cash said.
He continued: "We're talking about a commander's worst nightmare when you're talking about homosexuality in the military. It's going to amaze you the number of really good red-blooded American patriots that will prosecute because they will not accept being hit on by a gay person.


Last month, an Arizona bill that makes it a state crime to lack immigration papers and requires police to determine whether people they stop are in the country illegally was signed into law by Republican Gov. Jan Brewer.
Rathje said he supports the legislation to stem the tide of illegal immigrants, as well as drug traffic.
"They are not illegal immigrants, they are illegal aliens. We need to protect those borders, but at the same time we go after companies who are hiring illegal aliens," he said.
"I'm not saying I'm against immigration. My grandfather came over on a whaling ship from Norway, but he did it legally. Illegal aliens should not have the right to health care benefits or any other benefits under the Constitution."

Article #2
Iowa City Press 5/21/2010

Rathje diamond in the rough

I have been actively following politics as a registered Democrat since I was 18 years old. Six years have now passed, and politics are still very important to me. The only thing that has changed is my decision to switch parties and become a registered Republican. I left the party not only because of a change in my own beliefs, but also because of the way Democrats carry out their business in politics.
After looking back on my time as a Democrat, I have these words of advice for Republican candidates wishing to go to office: Create a plan before you go to Washington or Des Moines!
That is why Steve Rathje is the hands down favorite for me int he Second Congressional Race.
Rathje put together a plan to create jobs for this economy that has been approved by our state auditor. He doesn't flag wave about lowering taxes and cutting spending.
Rathje has an actual plan that will do that - 60 day tax holiday, eliminate ear-marks, help people become indpendant, lower taxes across the board are some key points.
Rathje has the economic knowledge and experience to help get this country out of the mess it is in. He has been solid on his issues and leaves no questions on where he stands. This serves as a very important factor when selecting a candidate.
I am new to the area and think Rathje is a real diamond in the rough for this district and for the nation. Our district should be jumping at the opportunity to have him represent us in Washington.


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